what happened mate, did one of ours cut line in front of you at Tesco? Who hurt you?
And yes, it kind of is your fault - global warming / climate change doesn't happen overnight. You can't seriously blame 15-25 year olds for the abhorrent state of things.
I do agree a lot of us are very hypocritical though. Also think a lot of this is just empty virtue signalling. It's naive and "in vogue" or however the expression in English goes.
However, it's commendable that at least young people are talking about it. It's not often I hear someone older mention the climate at all, when in reality its change is a monstrous threat to all of us. Well maybe not your generation, as you figure you'll be dead by the time Southern Europe is a desert wasteland and Northern Europe is frozen over.

I plan to live long enough to see that though! If nothing else, then just for the satisfaction of seeing people who've been well of for a while be… less well off.