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Thread: Around the world News

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    I had no idea the terrorist list was that long, which makes the decision to publicly scale down the terrorist threat in the run up to Christmas and during an election even more baffling. Like I said hindsight is a wonderful thing
    The threat level is likely gauged separately to the number of individuals on the list. By chatter, activity and Intel.
    Obviously terrorists dont liaise with security services, but it'd be like knowing how many XR people there are, then trying to guess how likely they are to act over a given period that would determine the threat level.

  2. #232
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Pretty hard job to keep tabs on those on the terrorist list tbf, think it's about 25,000 individuals and some not on the list have been the actors in terrorist attacks.

    25,000 monitored by the entire UK police force and army is a task in itself. There are other aspects of policing to deal with as well.
    I'd say 25,000 is very conservative. I'd bet money that people in the area this fella lived in were well aware of his beliefs and no doubt his priest at his local Mosque knew all about him. People and especially religious leaders need to talk to police and tip them off to prevent such things.

  3. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    You misunderstand tremendously - I'm not calling them crazy. I'm saying that the experience of going to war is "something going horribly wrong". It might have been the right thing to do at the time. But it is nonetheless a traumatic and awful experience that I'm not sure humans are meant to be able to deal with.
    I dont follow you, you said: Something must have gone horribly wrong in this guy's life to lead him down this path.

    Having to go to war is obviously not desirable, like you say, but not going to war in the same context can be worse.
    I believe there was some discussion about this in britain around ww2. Whether britain would be better off appeasing hitler or fighting a war against hitler.
    Defeating hitler cost Britain alot, not fighting could've easily been worse in the longer term.

  4. #234
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    The threat level is likely gauged separately to the number of individuals on the list. By chatter, activity and Intel.
    Obviously terrorists dont liaise with security services, but it'd be like knowing how many XR people there are, then trying to guess how likely they are to act over a given period that would determine the threat level.
    Well obviously nobody knows what the real threat is until it happens and hindsight is a wonderful thing but it's daft to publicly scale down the estimate given the conditions - it's Christmas shopping time and there's an election on.

  5. #235
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    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I dont follow you, you said: Something must have gone horribly wrong in this guy's life to lead him down this path.

    Having to go to war is obviously not desirable, like you say, but not going to war in the same context can be worse.
    I believe there was some discussion about this in britain around ww2. Whether britain would be better off appeasing hitler or fighting a war against hitler.
    Defeating hitler cost Britain alot, not fighting could've easily been worse in the longer term.
    Yes, exactly. Doing the right thing in a given situation might lead you on a path of "something going wrong". In your example all the veterans and 600k (?) casualties the UK gave wouldn't have had their lives altered for ever (which I consider something going wrong) but then the Axis might have won the war, which would have been "wrong" as well.

    Sometimes you can't win and something will go wrong either way. You have to choose what you prefer and at what point your stance changes. The powers that be decided that Czechoslovakia disappearing hadn't crossed that point, but Poland getting bodied had.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #236
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    I'd say 25,000 is very conservative. I'd bet money that people in the area this fella lived in were well aware of his beliefs and no doubt his priest at his local Mosque knew all about him. People and especially religious leaders need to talk to police and tip them off to prevent such things.
    I would think so too.
    That's the known, there are unknowns and then there's the wider community. Where they may not agree or participate, but won't squeal to the authorities. I think you'd know better how that works, not wanting to help the other side who they might deem worse, or fear of reprisal for doing so etc.

    He'd been imprisoned for terrorist offenses in 2012, then released early in 2018 on condition. So not much anyone could have done about it imo, assuming he mingled with non like minded individuals.

    Some religious leaders do, others drive it. Took the authorities years to get that man with the hook through courts.

    Reading online comments today and over the past there's a lot of instability and accusations flying around. Growing too imo.

  7. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Well obviously nobody knows what the real threat is until it happens and hindsight is a wonderful thing but it's daft to publicly scale down the estimate given the conditions - it's Christmas shopping time and there's an election on.
    Christian religious holidays Easter/Christmas, or national holidays say new years/Bastille day would be the targets as they impact the 'real'/trauma/psyche more so.
    They are very keen on attacking the symbolic.

    But then the chatter/intel/activity plays it's part.
    If you knew the attacks were coming every new years day, it wouldnt have the same impact.

  8. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Yes, exactly. Doing the right thing in a given situation might lead you on a path of "something going wrong". In your example all the veterans and 600k (?) casualties the UK gave wouldn't have had their lives altered for ever (which I consider something going wrong) but then the Axis might have won the war, which would have been "wrong" as well.

    Sometimes you can't win and something will go wrong either way. You have to choose what you prefer and at what point your stance changes. The powers that be decided that Czechoslovakia disappearing hadn't crossed that point, but Poland getting bodied had.
    Something must have gone horribly wrong in this guy's life to lead him down this path.

    Is what you said, all I'm saying is that is not neccessarily so.

    He is dead now, so his life has come to an end. Which obviously isnt a good outcome with respect to self preservation. If that's what you mean.
    Last edited by CCTV; 30th November 2019 at 12:34 PM.

  9. #239
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt
    Not exactly - I think choices were made and events took place that drove him to these awful actions. That I would consider something going wrong.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  10. #240
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I think its because he couldn't handle the fact his Islamic ideology and supremacy weren't being adhered to.
    Isis have been eliminated and he blamed the evil west for it. while holding even worse ideas himself.
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

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