An odd story ian, went cycling with a laptop and book to an area they cant identify a known contact for him.
In other news, prince andrew is said to be sweating, not sweating, as are many others since Maxwells arrest in new england.
Instant specualtion has been cast online with claims Maxwell did not commit suicide in the future.
July 4th 2020, England "easing" the lockdown. Financially driven IMHO.
Mark my words, phase two on its way.
The two prison guards tasked with keeping a close eye on Mrs. Maxwell have been given a special dispensation allowing them to bring their Labradors to work.
Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century
Have you seen CNN on bernie 2016 v trump 2020 visiting mount rushmore ?
Last edited by CCTV; 5th July 2020 at 05:05 AM.
Hahahahaha, that's a nice one CC.![]()
Thought tbf it's a slightly different climate now, so that might have something to do with it.
Etiam si omnes, ego non
Luckily for the first time ever we never had a family holiday booked well in advance for this summer. But by the looks of it a few people are going to be disappointed over the coming weeks with the quarantine happening after coming home from Spain. It's a complete balls up by the looks of it as they try and get tourism up and running again.
Two men have been arrested in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh for allegedly duping a doctor into buying an "Aladdin's lamp" that they promised would bring him wealth and health.
As part of the con, they even pretended to conjure up spirits from the lamp, in line with the tale from The Arabian Nights, Indian media report.