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Thread: Around the world News

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Noodle, I 100 percent agree with that.
    Countries pledging aid fir a building is quite sad and indicative of this horrible image obsessed world we live in.
    The outpouring of grief is pathetic, its a building. Nobody has died therefore its not a tragedy as its been made out to be. A shame yes, but not a tragedy.
    France is one of the worlds richest ecomonies so they shouldnt be looking for handouts. Half a billion in aid, its disgusting. Imagine the dent that could make into child poverty, actually probably not that much but still no less infuriating.
    The media are a disgrace too, havent seen much in the way of coverage on the yellow vest movement thats been happening over there in Paris. Thats because it doesnt suit the narrative.
    Last edited by teesred; 17th April 2019 at 03:05 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Noodle, I 100 percent agree with that.
    Countries pledging aid fir a building is quite sad and indicative of this horrible image obsessed world we live in.
    The outpouring of grief is pathetic, its a building. Nobody has died therefore its not a tragedy as its been made out to be. A shame yes, but not a tragedy.
    France is one of the worlds richest ecomonies so they shouldnt be looking for handouts. Half a billion in aid, its disgusting. Imagine the dent that could make into child poverty, actually probably not that much but still no less infuriating.
    The media are a disgrace too, havent seen much in the way of coverage on the yellow vest movement thats been happening over there in Paris. Thats because it doesnt suit the narrative.
    Yeah, thankfully the giant gold cross avoided any damage from the fire...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Disagree on the value of the building. The real travesty is that some pillock started the fire.
    How it isn't insured is beyond me ?

    Agree with most of everything else you and noods posted. Only exception being if you look at poverty stats and costs it wouldn't cost much to feed all the poor, malnourished or famine in the world. About 40 billion.

    You can look at the eu itself and its destruction of perfectly fine foods down the years in thousands of tonnage of excess food produce buried in trenches. While black people in the main were dying of hunger! Dont vote to leave or you're racist !

    Another one is charities and these organisations, they're scams for the most part. The amount of embezzlement etc. Was talking to a lass last year or a little more. She works in one of these charities traveling around Africa et al. Asked her what she did and basically she does fook all. Travels around takes pics and then goes to conferences to promote a specific set of rights. 80k per year and expenses paid. Asked her who she worked for but shed rather not say.... I had a friend whose stepdad took 150k out of the Irish wheelchair association and this isn't an unusual type of story.

    The news is brutal. If you want to know or have an idea of what's going on now you have to go and seek it out. The yellowvests and the numerous attacks on churches barely make it to the news here either.
    Go to alt/far-right or extreme leftists for updates and I use those terms in a comical sense. Some of the figures that are described as far right today are hilarious Jordan Peterson - the mans a clinical psychologist. Jimmy dore extreme left- a nightclub comedian, better than CNN/MSNBC running a part time political news show on YouTube from his garage - over 500,000 subscribers. Hes not always right but it's an honest endeavour and he gets a lot right. He has just over half of CNN's viewership between 8-11 PM in subscribers.

    Reading the other day about a Russian man, Dennis lisov, moved to Sweden 7 years ago and has 3 daughters aged 12, 6 and 4. Who when his wife fell ill with schizophrenia the swedish state services took his children off him because he didnt have fulltime work, against his will and allegedly without a hearing. They placed his kids in a 'harsh' Lebanese descent muslim household for over a year and it was 400 km from where he lived. He still had custody but could only see them a few hours a week. He took them out of Sweden and tried to get back to Russia with his kids. He was stopped in Poland and he asked for refuge from Sweden ! The poles stated his kids are very keen to stay with him and didnt like the foster home, echoed by Russian diplomats.
    It turns out the swedes had broken an eu law/convention which prevents services from placing your kids in a culturally/religiously alien environment. Being a Russian Christian is quite different to being Lebanese muslim.
    The poles are refusing to deport him at the minute on that ground. Can you imagine how the Russian state will react if one of their citizens or his kids are deported back to Sweden and his kids are returned to the family in violation of an eu child protection measure. The Russians are already involved.
    No coverage in western media yet.

    That Russian Poland Sweden stand off as I understand the term is an international incident. Where eu law was violated by the swedish child services. Seems to have good support in Sweden too.

    The typical news feed is pure drivel. Just this morning on my Google/phone homepage. 3 stories on the royals, Kim Kardashian's bathroom has no basins or some shit, cheryl in cropped white jacket, louise Redknapp says Jamie stopped her being friends with the rooneys, stacey solomons bump in bikini, notredame fire and breaking news fire in mosque covered on other sites already. I swipe em all away for more news and it's got a bit of cl football init but the same shit. This is Google promoted news who have gone into China and provided censored internet.
    Swipe them all away and reload and a few cl titles come in and more celebrity drivel.
    This is the dont be evil lots news. More and more people get their 'news's online from Google et al.
    Last edited by CCTV; 17th April 2019 at 03:30 PM.

  4. #34
    Not sure why you'd bother to get insurance if you have faith in the Good Lord Almighty.

  5. #35
    @CCTV re: charities: 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words" by Iain Scott says pretty much the same, paints a grim picture of so called famine relief workers riding around drought stricken Africa in expensive new 4x4 land rovers doing fuck all but gawping at the dying.

  6. #36
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    Nov 2005
    Sadly Northern Ireland has been dragged back to the dark times by a small bunch of Wankers.
    As much as I don't get all the Game of thrones thing, At least it shows this place I love in a good light.

  7. #37
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    Not sure why you'd bother to get insurance if you have faith in the Good Lord Almighty.
    It's ridiculous to think this way. It's a basic and infantile level of thinking. For radical materialists like Dawkins its proof God doesnt exist. For evangelicals its proof of satan.
    If you believe in humanity why would you have police, welfare, courts, child protections.
    Gather this is a bit of a joke reply from ya

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    @CCTV re: charities: 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words" by Iain Scott says pretty much the same, paints a grim picture of so called famine relief workers riding around drought stricken Africa in expensive new 4x4 land rovers doing fuck all but gawping at the dying.
    Not seen it before, had a look at this online but 62$ for a book is some price.

  9. #39
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Sadly Northern Ireland has been dragged back to the dark times by a small bunch of Wankers.
    As much as I don't get all the Game of thrones thing, At least it shows this place I love in a good light.
    Seen the story, she was shot by new-IRA who were shooting at the psni. Very sad indeed.
    What's going on/kicked off up there ? Not much about what was happening there last night in the bits I saw.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Seen the story, she was shot by new-IRA who were shooting at the psni. Very sad indeed.
    What's going on/kicked off up there ? Not much about what was happening there last night in the bits I saw.
    Apparently the police were doing house searches and a few weren't happy so they started the rioting with petrol bombs. Then the guns came out. The best bit is their political party have apologised for the "accident ." you couldn't make it up .

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