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Thread: Around the world News

  1. #411
    It doesn't matter where it comes from.

    This one happens to come from Germany yet the Germans haven't approved it yet, neither had anyone else for that matter, that struck me as odd and Dr Fauci thought so too.

    It looks like the UK government are rushing to buy it before brexit day because otherwise it'll be stuck on lorries at customs yet they are spinning it to say brexit allows us to dodge all that silly euro red tape.

  2. #412
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    Crime City
    I think you'll find that in the years, decades and even centuries to come we'll find that a huge number of things that we are currently doing or putting into our bodies are having a seriously detrimental effect on our health. However If you worry about all the "what if's", you'd never do anything or put anything into your body, and that certainly wouldn't be advisable, and believe me I'm an expert on the subject.

  3. #413
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    Apr 2009
    I'm not too bothered about it really, as long as it means things going back to normal quicker

    Us normal folk that aren't over the hill or have conditions probably won't even get offered it for 2 years by then it probably won't even exist enough to be newsworthy

    By then we'll have covid20

  4. #414
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    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    I'm not too bothered about it really, as long as it means things going back to normal quicker

    Us normal folk that aren't over the hill or have conditions probably won't even get offered it for 2 years by then it probably won't even exist enough to be newsworthy

    By then we'll have covid20
    Even us 'abnormal' folk may not get it that early. I'm disabled/medically unique, yet according to sloblocks 'criteria' that some pen pusher came up with, I'm probably going to be in the sixth tier in line when it comes to who gets the vaccine and when.

  5. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Even us 'abnormal' folk may not get it that early. I'm disabled/medically unique, yet according to sloblocks 'criteria' that some pen pusher came up with, I'm probably going to be in the sixth tier in line when it comes to who gets the vaccine and when.
    Are you sure? I assume your conditions make you vulnerable if you got it would be a good chance of being very serious?

    I thought it was carehomes etc then oaps then the vulnerable then over 50s then younger people with conditions and so on?

    But honestly I don't really know

  6. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    Are you sure? I assume your conditions make you vulnerable if you got it would be a good chance of being very serious?

    I thought it was carehomes etc then oaps then the vulnerable then over 50s then younger people with conditions and so on?

    But honestly I don't really know
    Yep I'm sure. despite having 23+ conditions including potentially life threatening conditions, one incredibly rare condition, and another rare life threatening condition which affects my lungs and has or nearly has 'finished off' 'everyone else' that I've 'known about' with the condition, apparently I'm NOT in the 'most vulnerable' category.

    I was sent a text message when things first kicked off and 'self isolation' was introduced. This message stated that I was in the very vulnerable category, and it provided some information as to who I would need to contact to get help with shopping, collecting medication etc. Well that's what I thought anyway, until I dug into things a bit further and a few letters started to arrive, where upon I realised that the NHS were still using my number to contact my 'mother' through me and the 'emergency' number that I had provided them, and that the text message and the letters that were sent were all meant for her, not me.

    Yep those in care homes and key workers are first, followed by those 75+, followed by those in the 'most vulnerable' category, but if you go down the list (hang on I'll see If I can find a link:- ), those 65+ will get the vaccine first before people like me get it, despite the fact that a) I have a unique set of many/potentially life threatening/rare-incredibly rare conditions, never mind that b) As those 'in charge' have made clear, I also live with one person in the 'very vulnerable' category, and another in the age bracket that is due to get to the vaccine before I do, despite them being in much better health than I am.
    Last edited by RedNoodle; 8th December 2020 at 12:12 AM.

  7. #417
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    everywhere and nowhere
    I have today received a letter from Chief Medical Officer NHS Wales advising me to shield. The letter mentions that the list of conditions for people who may be at risk has been updated.
    It then for some unknown reason (to me) tells me adults with stage 5 kidney disease have been added to the SPL (shielding patients list).
    As far as I know I have a VERY minor kidney condition, probably related to my type 2 diabetes.
    The world's gone mad.

  8. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    I have today received a letter from Chief Medical Officer NHS Wales advising me to shield. The letter mentions that the list of conditions for people who may be at risk has been updated.
    It then for some unknown reason (to me) tells me adults with stage 5 kidney disease have been added to the SPL (shielding patients list).
    As far as I know I have a VERY minor kidney condition, probably related to my type 2 diabetes.
    The world's gone mad.
    Yet someone in my position who is medically unique and has not contacted his GP surgery for SEVEN weeks (despite being asked/needing to regarding very urgent/serious issues Inc certain treatment coming to an end, and the need for major/complicated surgery) due to the 23+ conditions and daily living hell I go through, I received f-all.

  9. #419
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Yet someone in my position who is medically unique and has not contacted his GP surgery for SEVEN weeks (despite being asked/needing to regarding very urgent/serious issues Inc certain treatment coming to an end, and the need for major/complicated surgery) due to the 23+ conditions and daily living hell I go through, I received f-all.
    In your position I'd probably be on the phone to the surgery every day, making a nuisance of myself if needs be, until I get what I need/want.

  10. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    In your position I'd probably be on the phone to the surgery every day, making a nuisance of myself if needs be, until I get what I need/want.
    I used to be more like that, but the more I did the above the less help I received, causing issues up to the possible worst case scenario. I've even had to pay for private tests, and I've had to 'circumnavigate' the system in order to get myself admitted to hospital, and even then they have been useless.

    As a result of this and 'certain other' conditions I have, I just cannot deal with the **** I have increasingly gone through with these people, despite how horrific/serious things are for me. As a result of this, every time I even think about writing down what I want to say and sending it via the txt msg link I was sent from one of 'those' GPs, I start going into 'meltdown', put it off, and say I'll do it tomorrow. I have now been doing that for nearly two months, which means I'm going to be without any treatment for one progressive/dangerous condition for at least those two months, and I'm also going to have to wait an extra two months for surgery that I need, surgery that people were already having to wait between one and two years to get, never mind that I'm possibly going to need two lots of this particular surgery.

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