Probably, but the woman was obviously a temptation set in the man's way by the devil himself. The innocent child is just God's way of easing the pain for her.
Or some bullshit like that I expect.
At least Newsthump have their take on it which makes far more sense:
The very first Big Brother was brilliant as they hadn't a clue what was happening in the outside world and didn’t know if anyone was watching. Were as every cunt that goes onto a reality show now do it for the potential fame and money. Which lasts for a short time then they crave the fame they've lost and it goes down hill from there.
As for Jeremy Kyle, it hammered the lower classes and made fun of them and they were that daft they hadn't a clue.
Get rid of the lot of it on TV .
We won't need reality TV when Boris Johnson is Prime Minister.
Personally think those participants and viewerships are suffering from a mental illness of sorts. Seems to be highly addictive for the fame seekers and their car crash viewers.
They likely saw it as a means in the face of no alternatives. The show is rather despicable in its exploitation of people while the manner of 'treatment' by Kyle is simply poor practice.
6 week gestational limit might seem strict but the handmaids tale seems a bit of a reach.
Abortion available upto 4 weeks after missing a period due. Contraceptives and the morning after pill available too. Pregnancy testing for abortion available also.
I've seen some of the handmaids tale which is rather graphic. But it's not like women are being raped by the state for reproductive reasons nor are they being detained or tortured for disobedience.
The heartbeat law will lead to some issues in irregular cases but the overall restrictions which seem draconian for the United states are likely manageable for competent women. That's assuming they actually fear the legislation, be hard to prove they have had an abortion when pregnancy can be confirmed by an otc product. Not like they'll be snitched on should they travel to California.
Hard to know what the point of the legislation is as federal law has precedent over state law. Think this will get kicked to the supreme court which might be the intentions.
Read that this is in part a reaction to counter proposals to extend abortion to post birth newborns, which hasn't passed in other states.
No doubt the states like other places are becoming more polarised. Whilst abortion is probably the most divisive issue over there. Listened to an anti-abortion doctor who had been a pro-choice abortion provider yet still completed abortions for medical reasons thereafter.
His life turned when one of his kids was killed by a car. Said he gradually couldn't do more and more procedures, till he reached neccesary ones by medical requirements.
Said the federal law is primary and that health is so loosely defined that he'd completed abortions for any reason as a result previosuly. So state laws are useless, hence the targeting of roe v wade was his opinion.
Just a journal not sure if it's a joke journal or creditable. Having looked at some other pieces I wouldn't say its particularly high quality.
After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Alberto Giubilini,1 Francesca Minerva2
Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus’ health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all
the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.
* I've met people who argue a child isn't conscious after birth and suggest the limit should be when it can differnetiate between itself and the outside world which is generally speaking a couple of months after birth.
I doubt theyd hold the same views on the sentience of such newborns were it to be for FGM.
What's going on with trump/Huawei. Looks like they trying to take down Huawei on the face of it.