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Thread: What you watched last good or bad.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    I've not even bothered to watch Solo. Man, I fucking watched the Clone Wars movie! THE CLONE WARS MOVIE ABOUT JABBA'S SON. TWICE.

    I'll watch Ep. 9 in the cinema, but more out of habit than anything else. They're so fucking bad at making these. What little Star Wars hope I have now firmly resides in the realm of animation.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Paranormal activity -5/10 never been so bored

    The shining bit of a classic, but not what i expected, first time watching it 6.5/10

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    I've not even bothered to watch Solo. Man, I fucking watched the Clone Wars movie! THE CLONE WARS MOVIE ABOUT JABBA'S SON. TWICE.

    I'll watch Ep. 9 in the cinema, but more out of habit than anything else. They're so fucking bad at making these. What little Star Wars hope I have now firmly resides in the realm of animation.
    You should give Solo a watch Bali, its better than TFA and TLJ. I dont know why it gets so panned. Theres some really cool stuff in it.

  4. #24
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jozza800 View Post
    Like the look of it.

    I'm amazed this will be the first ever live action Star Wars tv series. Suppose it has to do with the cost of making it. They're specding eye watering sums of money on each of these episodes.
    Yeah I think it'll be really good.
    Havent read about the sums per episode but its never going to be cheap when its Star Wars. Its set after Return of the Jedi, I thought the guy in carbonite looked like a Darth Maul type species. Shows a bit more in the second trailer that was released last week.
    Im going to have to figure out how I'm going to watch it as I dont have an IPTV set up.

  5. #25
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    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    You should give Solo a watch Bali, its better than TFA and TLJ. I dont know why it gets so panned. Theres some really cool stuff in it.
    Really? Might give it a shot then, cheers! There are some excellent actors on display for sure.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #26
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    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    You should give Solo a watch Bali, its better than TFA and TLJ. I dont know why it gets so panned. Theres some really cool stuff in it.
    Becuse it is very brown.

    The one thing (Music aside) that Star Wars has always had is its visual appeal. Sets, locations, characters have always looked great. I think Solo is the first film that just wansn't very interesting to look at. It was all very bland/beige. It was a decent story just visually a bit meh.
    Something, Something, Something, Dark Side

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Anyone tried watchmen yet. The new HBO series. Watched the pilot last night. Holy shit it pulls at the senses. I'm not familiar with the graphic novel or comics. I wonder will this hamper my understanding of this series.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by eggy81 View Post
    Anyone tried watchmen yet. The new HBO series. Watched the pilot last night. Holy shit it pulls at the senses. I'm not familiar with the graphic novel or comics. I wonder will this hamper my understanding of this series.
    Liked the film a lot but haven't got around to watching the program, not sure if I want to? Meet Alan Moore when I was a kid, he was scary looking but a nice guy (from what I remember, it was a long time ago).

  9. #29
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo1988 View Post
    Liked the film a lot but haven't got around to watching the program, not sure if I want to? Meet Alan Moore when I was a kid, he was scary looking but a nice guy (from what I remember, it was a long time ago).
    Well watching it a standalone show and admittedly after spending a lot of time in the opening episode confused I'll still follow up and watch the next few. I think you should give the pilot a watch for sure.

    On another note binge watched the first season of the lost in space remake on netflix over the last 3 nights.
    Thoroughly enjoyed it. New season on the way.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jozza800 View Post
    Becuse it is very brown.

    The one thing (Music aside) that Star Wars has always had is its visual appeal. Sets, locations, characters have always looked great. I think Solo is the first film that just wansn't very interesting to look at. It was all very bland/beige. It was a decent story just visually a bit meh.
    I liked it, still visually good too in my opinion. The mimban troopers looked cool. I guess it is very bleak in terms of its visuals compared to the others but I dont think that should detract from what is a good film. I'd much rather watch that than eposode 7 and 8. Especially 8 which was a pile of shite in every way.
    On a side note, how stupid of Disney to not start the disney+ streaming until march 2020. Pretty much ensures everyone will be illegally pirating the Mandalorian.



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