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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #1791
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post
    This is nonsense and you know it.

    She's repeatedly denied what is commonly understood and accepted as the claim of Assad as a war criminal who's literally butchered his own people, and as recently as 2017 made a trip there to give him a photo-op (that's the visit you're referring to, and it was roundly panned as nothing more than a photo-op for Assad's benefit and none of what she was claiming) and bolster his claims of trying to eradicate terrorist rebels in his country versus what he really was doing which was violently and brutally stamping out dissent including carpet bombing areas of his country known to be in opposition to his rule (as with the Kurds in the North and the areas controlled by the Free Syrian army) with the help of one Vladmir Putin - that great bastion and paragon of individual liberties, freedom and democracy that we know him to be.

    Opposing regime change is one thing (and frankly speaking, nobody is talking about regime change in Syria - certainly not the kind prompted by external forces ala Iraq), but openly lying about what a proven war criminal is doing is something entirely on a completely different level.

    1) Wikileaks cables show that regime change in Syria was being discussed as far back as 2006. Conspiracy theorists would suggest it was earlier.
    After Obama won this was shown to be the continued policy from 2009 onwards.
    Regime change is off the table now as the Russians have gotten involved at the request of a longtime ally to restore stability.
    Having fuelled a civil war and supplied forces I dont think anyone can get away from their share of responsibility in the destabilisation.

    Again a civil war by default is a brutal event.
    There are geopolitical interests regarding power in the region and supply of gas to the EU. Russia with/influencing Syria are not wanting the proposed pipeline through Syria as they have their own interests in Nordstream 2. The US and others have interests in getting that gas pipe through Syria and against nordstream2, the us is miffed with Germany over nordstream2. (1

    So because (in your view) people made wild hyperbolic claims about some other leaders before, then therefore the claims about this particular leader must be viewed through the same exeggerrated lens of hyperbole and thus be equally dismmised?
    Are you familiar with this modern newe-fangled concept called the 'False Equivalence'.

    You should really look into it.

    And which war did "O'bomber deporter in chief" start that you're claiming is "his war" to win election (or re-election)?

    You're really revealing yourself here.

    2) No. Perhaps you should read that again. I said Christopher Hitchens suggested that Bill Clinton destroyed Yugoslavia for re-election.
    I stated they all won re-election after starting their wars, iirc on that matter.
    The point of raising politicians from both sides of the spectrum was in so much as to show how a large swathe of people where a nation is divided will have strong opinions of their rivals. I dont think you can have a full blown war/civil-war without large scale violence.

    Obama had his interventions in Libya iirc prior to the 2012 elections. HRC saying later we came, we saw, he died. Referring to Gadaffis eventual death.
    I wonder just how pro democracy and liberal say a framed western backed pro-democracy/liberal group really are, when they livestream the capture of Gaddafi, beat, sodomise several times with a bayonet and later execute him.
    Imo that's not very humane treatment at all. Perhaps such scenes as with Sadam too prime leaders for what might come their and their families way. I'm not surprised that in many of these civil wars with foreign influences that such terrible things have occurred. War including civil wars by their nature are brutal events.
    Libya is worse off now than before, as are many other nations. The second civil war in Libya is still ongoing.

    I would suggest you make use of Google as your friend and educate yourself on her stances on these issues, because frankly speaking I really don't have time to go through all of that and educate you on stuff you've clearly decided to ignore (seeing as you were obviously aware of her homophobic stance. It's really not that hard to google "Gay conversion therapy" and to see exactly what's wrong with it as an act - something she actively advocated for early in her career.)
    Also, spare me the false equivalence (oh, there it is again) between her vastly more extreme homophobic stance and the more political expedience stance that people like Obama and Biden had (which amounted to believing that gay people should be entitled to civil unions as opposed to full marriage rights like straight people.

    3 (Oh no, more sarcasm, the wit I can't handle it)
    I've seen her comments on gays, state that she had religious beliefs and that she has moved on since that time. So whilst there might be more I'm not going to look it up. I'm not surprised that people have opinions and prejudices.
    I'm fully aware what gay conversion therapy is btw. I'm also aware that many perhaps later gay men and women produce biological offspring in hetero relationships. Yet to meet one who regrets it, but there are those who seek therapy around these issues too and some resolve to retain their marriage, maybe a sham marriage though they value it, as that is their preferred choice. Whilst others decide to leave their marriages/relationships.
    Maybe Clinton or Biden or Obama have feigned their political public positions then or now. My point of raising their public stances was just to highlight how in the democratic party the official positions were similar.
    I know plenty of gay people who find the idea of heterosex revolting and skin crawling.

    Holy crap!
    The stretch in that comparison, though....

    (Klopp to a homophobic, war criminal supporting bigoted politician)

    I hope you didn't strain or tar any muscles with that reach.

    But then again, maybe don't act like you had a choice where Klopp was concerned in this regard (or any manager we likely would have hired, particularly had they been continental European and almost certainly anti-Brexit - which you clearly support. Even potential British managers we would have hired would likely have similarly been anti-Brexit (though perhaps not as openly vocal about it).
    4) I tend to respect that people have different opinions and try not to get too sanctimonious around issues of differences of opinions, nor get too emotional around such things and fallout.
    I think discussion is a good thing and if I reveal myself sure I might be able to alter myself or my opinions from discussions.
    Perhaps pro-life could be a grounds of difference with both Tulsi/Klopp for me and I could still say they have good leadership qualities and would make effective leaders. I'd place myself in the ok with the 3 hard cases and not outside of those.
    The point being that where there are differences of opinions I like to think I can still admit people have certain qualities if they have them.

    I would suggest that data points to quite a large percentage of EU citizens in the major nations are against the EU.
    Apply whatever moniker you like say Frexit and many people in France support it. Macron stated he wouldnt permit a vote for fear of losing the vote.
    Germany would be different as they are huge beneficiaries of the EU and obviously German guilt from ww2 still shapes their culture a great deal.
    Again geopolitics are at play, within the EU Gemany doesn't mind throwing its weight around unfairly imo, so I'd say the nation has its guilt aligned with its interests to a point.

    I'll not be replying to this thread anymore, if you want open an off topic one I'll reply there maybe leadership and geopolitics might be a good one.
    I only replied here as I think that many people will have skipped this as a non-football specific thread. I'll read a reply and if I need to reply to you I'll open an off topic thread.

  2. #1792
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    I'd be interested to know why children generally do not get covid-19, considering their delicate immune systems, while at the same time being considered "super spreaders" of the disease, is that just an assumption based on the fact that the filthy little tykes never wash their hands? and if they really are super spreaders then why are they exempt from wearing masks in shops?
    I've never heard children being described as super spreaders. I think it must be one of these media driven obsessions with the disease. Children are considered to be agents of herd immunity due to the high levels of mixing. That's why keeping the schools open is so important. It can spread though the young and healthy population, exercising immunity, whilst not harming the elderly. That's the theory of how lockdown harms the vulnerable - it stops herd immunity developing and therefore allows the virus to keep circulating.

    That could be an explanation for why the virus still has some legs in the North, where lockdown was timed to coincide with its arrival, but not in the South / London. The science shows clearly that it was endemic in London before lockdown started. It was over before we got started, but maybe it wasn't further North.

    I was effectively a super spreader myself - although that term is being used loosely now (it has a narrower meaning). I went to the pub to watch the LFC vs Atletico game while I was quite ill. I was feeling a bit better that day (enough to want to watch the game) after having a fever for a few days and then started coughing badly pretty much as I arrived at the pub. I had convinced myself that I didn't have Covid-19 but, as I was watching the game, the cough got worse and worse and it started to fit the descriptions.

  3. #1793
    Admittedly the references I've seen to children being super spreaders have been in the news media rather than experts.

    I haven't seen anyone putting forward a theory as to why children don't seem to get ill with it, most people just shrug and count their lucky stars, but perhaps therein lies a little clue to how to treat it.

    Despite all that Matt Hancock seems keen on compulsory vaccinations for all schoolchildren.

    I remember London had it bad early on, they were considering a local lockdown.

    The media would have us believe that its grim up North because less people work from home which makes no sense.

  4. #1794
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post

    The media would have us believe that its grim up North because less people work from home which makes no sense.
    I hadn't heard that, although I barely watch any TV news anymore. My response to that would be

    1) is it really grim up north? against what standard? We seem to have lost all sense of proportion to the extent that we can only imagine zero deaths as being the desired outcome. Meanwhile, when did you last hear anyone point out that deaths from influenza are currently outstripping covid by some margin..

    2) It could be because the virus took its time getting to the north and the lockdown measures had some success. And by success I mean delaying things till this year that could have been over by now in normal seasons. I remember someone saying that spring itself moves northwards at 8 miles an hour, or something like that. (you can measure that by daffodils opening and there is an annual pilgrimage in Japan based around that).

    3) It could be that it was slow getting to the North and the onset of increased UV light slowed the virus there. I remember early lockdown saw very hot sunny weather, so my argument would be that the sunshine may have brought an end to the respiratory virus season. By the time lockdown and the sunshine arrived in London, it had already passed through the population. The current increase in cases is probably caused by the recession of UV light, not by our behaviour (mask mandates were introduced ages ago and seemed to make no difference to the pattern).

  5. #1795
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
    It might be bile to you but you are clearly unaware of reality - like so many both here and across the pond.

    You are brainwashed as are so many.

    My aunt Rosetta was from Damascus - fled to Lebanon only to have to flee Beruit in the 1980’s. She lived her last 20 years in California.

    If anyone wants to deny that the US - mainly with British help has destroyed the largest part of the Middle East - while supporting the murderous Saudi Regime. Go for it. You have only the silence - the blind eye of the western media on your side.

    “The world need the US to maintain stability”...? The same US with 1000 military bases scattered across the planet ...? Sorry how many dead are we talking here - let’s look exclusively at Iraq..Do you have any idea? Or don’t you care? Are you for fucking real?? Fuck off!! How many of your family have been blown to bits by the weapons of a global super power? Lost their homelands to benefit the whim of the global policeman’s foreign policy... Enough of the bollox.

    The world needs the US to fuck off and mind it’s own sodding business... it has destroyed every place it has ever been.

    Want to talk about Snowden? How about the disgusting treatment of Assange??

    Don’t be an ignoramus.

    Take a little Fisk to start the re-education process. And he is just a diluted warm up act - but what you think you know is a story.

    Then a little look at this

    And possibly if you really can face some truth - this...
    It's okay, you clearly have an agenda and I'm not gonna mud wrestle with you, so will keep my comments footie related. Not turning a blind eye, you have your opinion(s), based on your life experiences, and I have mine. End
    Once a Red,
    you'll never walk alone

  6. #1796
    I'd agree that masks haven't made much difference, probably most measures, or not a positive difference anyway, plenty of damage though.

    The covid situation may not be grim up north but the measures are.

  7. #1797
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Shouldn't most of this recent stuff be in Off Topic?

  8. #1798
    I suppose so. I wish there was football

  9. #1799
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Agree on the footy.... And we might have seen some meaningful football recently - had the idiotic folks in charge of the sport decided that maybe this was the time to knock international football on the head.

    As if this already disjointed and warped season, minus fans needed more disruption and delay.

  10. #1800
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    Shouldn't most of this recent stuff be in Off Topic?
    Noone actually uses off-topic so who cares?

    btw I don't see the season finishing sadly at this rate

    boris is useless also, yeeeer 3 tiers- lets wait until it's completely out of control until we do anything then you have restrictions!!

    Also closing pubs at 10pm really makes a difference- does it fuck.

    Fuck em all useless cunts



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