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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #641
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    South Korea seem to have some grip on it and its probably due to them testing 20k people a day. The UK are testing 1500 a day.
    The UK Government are also "advising" not going to bars etc as opposed to taking actual action.

    I guess the big insurers Boris would be close to won't have to pay out as much if closures aren't enforced?

    Also when the bars/clubs/theatres end up shutting due to lack of trade, they can be knocked down and turned into flats and the Tories can pretend they care about housing us all?

    Too cynical?

  2. #642
    I just saw a man in the supermarket wearing one of those surgical masks, now I know it's his beliefs and everything but how am I supposed to know he's not a terrorist or a criminal?

  3. #643
    No idea what planet Fagin is on but it sounds remarkably similar to the one Donald Trump inhabits with its denial of facts and scapegoating and talk of the 'Chinese virus.' If instead of relying on things like 'Global News' (whatever the fuck that is), we, say, just open our eyes and look around, then we can see that this virus has been spread worldwide by the wealthy: international businessmen, celebrities, highly-paid footballers, well-heeled tourists. They take it all over the world and it filters down from there. I have no idea what Fagin was dribbling on about, but to talk of "Syrian immigrants" being the catalyst makes him/her appear even more stupid than he/she probably is.
    And as for the conspiracy theorists on this thread with their talk of "It was the CIA wot did it." Jesus wept. Would it not have occurred to anyone at Langley Park that by wrecking the Chinese economy (the second largest in the world), they would also be wrecking the US economy and the global economy too? Because we're all, like, interconnected and stuff. Even a 5 year old would be able to see that. Maybe the 5 year olds were taking a nap at CIA HQ when they greenlit that one?

    Anyhow, back in the real world....

    It occurred to me that if they null and voided this season, they could be making things even worse. We have no idea when this crisis will end but what if next season can't begin till Xmas? That would mean next season couldn't be completed either. Surely this strengthens the 'Finish this season, no matter how long it takes' argument?

  4. #644
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Not too cynical at all Sid. Business relies on people. Bars,cafes,small shops rely on actual footfall. What happens to these after this?
    Schools still open. Theres a mixed message. We are not supposed to go out to eat,shop unless absolutely necessary yet our kids can go to school. I cant work that out.
    Surely if business' are taking all precautions and people are doing the same then life can retain a form of flow? Protect the most vulnerable and elderly by taking all measures practically possible.
    Cafes,Buses,trains,Bars,pubs take care in cleaning down a lot more, people doing the same in terms of hand washing sanitizing etc and they should be able to operate atleast minimally.

    They've flip flopped because they shit a brick at the WHO saying we weren't doing enough.
    Life can not stop and the financial ramifications of this will take years to recover from.

  5. #645
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    The UK Government are also "advising" not going to bars etc as opposed to taking actual action.

    I guess the big insurers Boris would be close to won't have to pay out as much if closures aren't enforced?

    Also when the bars/clubs/theatres end up shutting due to lack of trade, they can be knocked down and turned into flats and the Tories can pretend they care about housing us all?

    Too cynical?
    Not cynical in the least. You're totally on the money with this. I know someone who will probably go out of business because of this.

  6. #646
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dicko1969 View Post
    I have to admit that the virus is not an immigrant
    Actually, by definition it is.

    It’s crossing borders, boundaries, then entering the body.

    We are now looking at social distancing, isolation and quarantine. All of those are boundaries and borders.

    We are washing our contact with others off ourself

    And, out of interest, Shengen has become defunct. We are back to national borders - Italy, France, Germany etc

    Border checks, flight bans. It’s all about the foreigner and the alien.

  7. #647
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Byron Bay Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    I just saw a man in the supermarket wearing one of those surgical masks, now I know it's his beliefs and everything but how am I supposed to know he's not a terrorist or a criminal?
    Are you serious? 🤔

  8. #648
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

  9. #649
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Actually, by definition it is.

    It’s crossing borders, boundaries, then entering the body.

    We are now looking at social distancing, isolation and quarantine. All of those are boundaries and borders.

    We are washing our contact with others off ourself

    And, out of interest, Shengen has become defunct. We are back to national borders - Italy, France, Germany etc

    Border checks, flight bans. It’s all about the foreigner and the alien.
    True. COVID-19 is a manifestation of the spirit of the age of Trump & Brexit & Putin & Bolsonaro & Orban: close the borders! pull up the drawbridge! it's all the foreigners' fault!

  10. #650
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    Are you serious? ��
    This is a serious situation, I'm in my burka as we speak. Sorry, bunker.



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