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Thread: Boris Johnson - Mastermind

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Boris is going to break international law!
    He proudly pronounced an Oven ready deal together with the customary ridiculous photo shoots?
    Signed and sealed in international law less than 1 year ago and approved by his own parliament.
    I am expecting BJ and his boys sometime soon to say something like "... oh but it still needed some cooking"

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    What a shambles. If Labour had had a viable alternative, none of those charlatans would be in government.
    I don't think you understand how this game is played Redebreck and how it has been played for as long as I can remember

    The british media is part of the establishment, it controls the people of the UK for the Government and the establishment, and those people will do everything they possibly can to demonise and discredit and paint as entirely unviable or unacceptable any political party that threatens the strangle hold they have held on the UK since the 1980's

    Blair wasn't 'a viable alternative' he was the son of a former Tory MP, the greatest trick the Tories ever pulled was having him surplant himself in Labour when they knew their reign was coming to an end, so he could ensure continuation of the desired status quo for the establishment. He was a complete and utter fraud, his job, was to destroy the Labour party, to prevent it from ever again representing the people it was formed to and affecting the real change the UK has desperately needed for decades that would make the establishment poorer.

    all normal working people have got much poorer over the past 4 decades, we've gone from one parent with a decent job or prepared to put the hours in being able to provide for and have a family of 3 or 4, buy their own house, in their early twenties to where we are now when in a lot of cases 2 parents, working every hour they can, not having any time to actually raise and enjoy their kids and still not having the remotest chance of owning their own home and still struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table

    And while that has happened, the establishment, that 3% have increased their wealth incredibly, in the 80's I'd see signs and placards telling people not to listen to the millionaires in the newspapers, they're now billianaires, while the vast majority of other people are a hell of a lot poorer.

    You get prats like Priit Patel saying British people are lazy, because productivity in the UK is much lower than a lot of other countries, they're not lazy, they never were, the UK were always grafters, productivity is down incredibly, not because people are lazy, but because the other side of the bargain for their hard work has been reneged on, a fair days pay for a fair days work and the chance to forge a life for themselves.

    In short, in their contemptable and unquenchable greed, the establishment have taken away one of the most important aspects of human nature people need to be happy and productive, aspiration
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I don't think you understand how this game is played Redebreck and how it has been played for as long as I can remember

    The british media is part of the establishment, it controls the people of the UK for the Government and the establishment, and those people will do everything they possibly can to demonise and discredit and paint as entirely unviable or unacceptable any political party that threatens the strangle hold they have held on the UK since the 1980's

    Blair wasn't 'a viable alternative' he was the son of a former Tory MP, the greatest trick the Tories ever pulled was having him surplant himself in Labour when they knew their reign was coming to an end, so he could ensure continuation of the desired status quo for the establishment. He was a complete and utter fraud, his job, was to destroy the Labour party, to prevent it from ever again representing the people it was formed to and affecting the real change the UK has desperately needed for decades that would make the establishment poorer.

    all normal working people have got much poorer over the past 4 decades, we've gone from one parent with a decent job or prepared to put the hours in being able to provide for and have a family of 3 or 4, buy their own house, in their early twenties to where we are now when in a lot of cases 2 parents, working every hour they can, not having any time to actually raise and enjoy their kids and still not having the remotest chance of owning their own home and still struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table

    And while that has happened, the establishment, that 3% have increased their wealth incredibly, in the 80's I'd see signs and placards telling people not to listen to the millionaires in the newspapers, they're now billianaires, while the vast majority of other people are a hell of a lot poorer.

    You get prats like Priit Patel saying British people are lazy, because productivity in the UK is much lower than a lot of other countries, they're not lazy, they never were, the UK were always grafters, productivity is down incredibly, not because people are lazy, but because the other side of the bargain for their hard work has been reneged on, a fair days pay for a fair days work and the chance to forge a life for themselves.

    In short, in their contemptable and unquenchable greed, the establishment have taken away one of the most important aspects of human nature people need to be happy and productive, aspiration
    I can remember working in the 70s through till the 90s (I worked later as well, mind!), and there were goals that could be achieved if you were lucky and/or worked hard. I feel for youngsters of today - unless you're very fortunate there's little you can achieve. Zero contract hours, for example, don't give a decent living wage.
    As you say, many households need two incomes these days. Back in the day, the man went out to work and the woman ran the home. Successive UK (mostly Tory) governments have destroyed UK industry in search of a fast buck - goods can be manufactured cheaper abroad. I'm aware the newspapers are corrupt - even the S*n used to support the tories FFS, and that was supposedly a working-class rag.
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  4. #34
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post
    I can remember working in the 70s through till the 90s (I worked later as well, mind!), and there were goals that could be achieved if you were lucky and/or worked hard. I feel for youngsters of today - unless you're very fortunate there's little you can achieve. Zero contract hours, for example, don't give a decent living wage.
    As you say, many households need two incomes these days. Back in the day, the man went out to work and the woman ran the home. Successive UK (mostly Tory) governments have destroyed UK industry in search of a fast buck - goods can be manufactured cheaper abroad. I'm aware the newspapers are corrupt - even the S*n used to support the tories FFS, and that was supposedly a working-class rag.
    That's part of the trick though isn't it, that filth is aimed at the working class, has always supported the Tories through my entire lifetime, but it isn't 'for' the working class, it's a device for filling their heads with garbage and getting them to vote themselves poorer and Murdoch and a fair few others richer, so it the Mail and the Express

    I'm working class and it pains me that os many working class people are really thick and easily manipulated

    They vote Tory and repeat stupid Tory buzz phrases to try and attack people who are fighting desperately for them, like 'wealth envy' for instance, a phrase invented to suppress and somehow guilt trip people into not going absolutely bad shit crazy as they absolutely should about too many incredibly wealthy people and corporations not paying their taxes. I mean how thick are they, expecting that everyone should pay their taxes is not wealth envy

    Expecting that the Gov and their backers should absolutely not be effectively stealing tax payers money from the system through privatisation is not wealth envy

    They read the Daily fucking fail, that fills their heads with incredibly isolated stories of one family from somewhere or other claiming benefits and other people claiming them and the knobs swallow it up gleefully, their fucking paper moved it's headquarters abroad to avoid paying a penny of UK tax, tax avoidance and evasion costs the UK tax fund billions each year, it costs a fuck site more than any of the crap that rag fills their tiny minds with

    If I had a shit load of money, I'd make a program called benefits street, on my version I'd have the likes of Branson and all the other tax dodgers on it, all the MPs who make outrageous expenses claims like 34k from the tax payer to heat their horses stables in one case, all the companies benefitting from backhanded deals to win contracts in privatised sectors which cost the taxpayer more, it just knocks me sick, we've been being robbed blind for 4 decades by this shower of shite and those filthy rags have the thickos blame absolutely everyone but the people who are actually doing it and then voting again for them!N!

    It's like the much hated ATOS, they are employed on a Tory ideal and it costs the taxpayer more to employ their disgusting services than the alleged fraud that it is their supposed purpose to tackle

    A big part of the Tories destroying UK manufacturing was them being desperate to smash any industry that had a lot of unionised jobs after the late 70's general strike, they smashed UK manufacturing, trashed it and created this service sector economy, which is unquestionably the reason Covid is absolutely destroying the UK economy, idiots voted for them, giving them whopping majorities a carte blanche at that

    I'm ranting now just pisses royally me off
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Heres a question my fellow englishmans

    if we're only in lockdown for a month why is the furlough being extended sceheme until march?

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    Heres a question my fellow englishmans

    if we're only in lockdown for a month why is the furlough being extended sceheme until march?
    A good question.
    During the Spring lockdown they said the furlough would go until October, but the self employed grants were only for 3 months.

    I can only assume it's something to do with stability and confidence so employers don't panic and lay off too many people...

  7. #37
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    A good question.
    During the Spring lockdown they said the furlough would go until October, but the self employed grants were only for 3 months.

    I can only assume it's something to do with stability and confidence so employers don't panic and lay off too many people...
    I personally think it'll last longer than a month, I really hope i'm wrong though

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    I personally think it'll last longer than a month, I really hope i'm wrong though
    But, but... Christmas!
    Yes, possibly, Michael Gove did warn of that quite quickly after lockdown was announced

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stevie harkness View Post
    But, but... Christmas!
    Yes, possibly, Michael Gove did warn of that quite quickly after lockdown was announced
    Yeah well I see it happening with the half-arsed lockdown... do it properly or don't bother

    Probably open it up for dec-jan then lockdown 3 wouldn't be surprised

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    in the past
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    Heres a question my fellow englishmans

    if we're only in lockdown for a month why is the furlough being extended sceheme until march?
    Allows businesses to scale up without feeling like they need to let people go. It's actually not a bad idea. Also, it does indicate that they'll come out of lock down for xmas and new year and then announce another in early January. Having furlough in place means businesses won't panic (as much) knowing that the scheme is still there for another 3 months
    "...and my inch is like a freight train, so I only use it in self defence"



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