Fuck, my mom might have it. She's 56 and used to smoke.
Even worse my dad might catch it off her - he's 60, smoked heavily for 30 years and is a bit overweight...
This is fucking atrocious. Best part? There's absolutely fuck all I can do. Awesome.
Etiam si omnes, ego non
I hope they haven't got it, and that if your mum has developed something that she recovers quickly.
Cheers mate. Here's hoping.
Etiam si omnes, ego non
I'm supposed to have a test in just over a week, before a procedure a couple of days later. However not having anyone to pick me up post procedure (I have to have a general anesthetic) it's looking like I may have to cancel the whole thing.
Cheers, Kev! I won't... just wish I could help them out.
Etiam si omnes, ego non