Yeah, I'll try to keep up on that. Usually talk to them twice a week, might up that a bit now. Thank you, ian.
Yeah, I'll try to keep up on that. Usually talk to them twice a week, might up that a bit now. Thank you, ian.
Etiam si omnes, ego non
Hi there i had major surgery a few years back and was in the same boat having no-one available to pick me up.But i was able to pay and have a Nurse come home with me in a taxi and watch over me for the 24 hours following surgery.Hopefully you could do something similar.
Not unless you know the number of a nurse in my area who can (and is willing) to do the same thing for me. I'm struggling very badly to do the absolutely most basic of things, so trying to get someone to help me out is somewhere between nigh on impossible and a non starter.
Sorry although i am covered under UK medical i am of no help there because i am out of touch with today's policies.Where i am we can get these medics through private organizations i thought there may be something similar there for you to access.
It was just a thought sorry it dosen't help you.maybe keep trying you never know.
Thanks for trying to help Fagin. Unfortunately I'm not (and never will be) able to get such coverage. On top of that, as I said, I really do struggle with the absolute most basic functions of living that you can think of. I should be getting various kinds of help, but alas I have been left to rot. I get zero support from the authorities (for various reasons), my 'family' (who don't give a toss), or any friends, of which I have precisely zero.
As I recently said, people might find out reasonably soon some (not all) of the reasons why I am struggling so much.
Wonder if any riots will happen in england?
the way things are going..
People don't really riot in the winter, the weather's too bad!