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Thread: Post your thoughts (2020 Edition)

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Get in touch with the GP then, ya silly bugger, No doubt when you were fit and well you paid your taxes. There's help out there mate, sadly at the minute it's hard to get but try and get the ball rolling by contacting the GP.

  2. #52
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    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Get in touch with the GP then, ya silly bugger, No doubt when you were fit and well you paid your taxes. There's help out there mate, sadly at the minute it's hard to get but try and get the ball rolling by contacting the GP.
    If only it was that simple Ian. Unfortunately the ball rarely, if ever 'rolls' for me, and when it does it nearly always rolls backwards crushing me and causing me further problems. If you knew you were going to end up with more problems (and had done consistently for decades) you'd also put off putting yourself in similar situations.

    For people like me there is no help. Only pain and suffering. I was denied treatment that I need a couple of months ago (despite being medically unique and having spent the last eleven years lying on my bed, not moving, or even talking to anyone), and the person who said I couldn't get this treatment said that they'd get in touch with social services and they'd be in touch. Have they done so? Have they ****.

  3. #53
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    Crime City
    Some people really are born to suffer.

    When trying to organise the procedure mentioned above I was told that it would take place at 7am. I told the person on the other end of the phone that such a stupidly early time would be very difficult for me given that I have to use public transport, or get a taxi, something that has caused me issues in the past, never mind now Covid is doing its thing. I also told her that this was made even more difficult because I'm disabled, to which she replied "Oh so you're in a wheelchair". "Not quite yet" I replied, "I'm just medically unique and have more than 20 medical conditions including an incredibly rare neuro-muscular condition". It seems that unless you are in a wheelchair, have a limb missing, have an obvious disfigurement, or have an oxygen mask on etc, you are seen as being "ok".
    This 'judging a book ....' **** that still exists causes me so many problems it's almost unbelievable.

    Anyway, I end up getting an appointment for a different time, but I still had problems to overcome, including trying to get some transport organised as if I can't the procedure will have to be cancelled. Well today I receive a letter telling me that the original procedure time/date has been cancelled and they have given me the ****ing original time and date that I told them would cause me a lot of problems. I phone up the pre-assessment clinic and am put through to the main dept, however there is nobody there and I can only leave a message. So I leave a message and wait for them to get back to me. Not only do they not get back to me, but I'm not sure if I left my phone number, so I call back hoping to either get hold of an actual person, or leave another message where I can give them my number and tell them that I need to sort out exact times and to let them know that organising transport is a serious problem.

    Well the first problem with me trying to do that is that on the new letter they sent me it say "If you need to contact us, phone the number at the top of the page". I look for the number, only to find that they have the dialing code, the first part of the number, but where the second part should be there is just a line. Anyway, I get the number from elsewhere and go through the various menus to get to the department where I'm told that nobody from the dept is available and would I like to leave a message. I reply "yes" only to be told that the ****ing message box is full!?!?!?

    I'd like to say this kind of thing is a one off, but it happens time and time and time again. Only a couple of weeks ago I went for an appointment only to be told upon arrival that it was a telephone appointment (which was conducted by phone whilst I was in the hospital), and that erroneously the letter I was sent failed to mention this. What made this slightly ironic is that there was another person whose appointment was after mine who had the same issue. The ironic thing was that this guy was an actual consultant himself.

    The NHS is good in theory, but in practice it is a massively flawed piece of ****, especially for people like me.

    I'm not a religious man, but if I was I'd swear that in a previous life I must have been a mass murderer or perhaps even something/someone worse.

  4. #54
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    Crime City
    I've just got back in after my procedure. Expect another 'epic' (when I feel up to it) as to why life is so tough for people like me, and why I hate how the NHS operates with a passion.
    Last edited by RedNoodle; 11th November 2020 at 10:09 PM.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    I've just got back in after my procedure. Expect another 'epic' (when I feel up to it) as to why life is so tough for people like me, and why I hate how the NHS operates with a passion.
    Good to hear you got your procedure done for now

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Good to hear you got your procedure done for now
    Yep, great news! ^^

    Also just spoke to my parents - they sounded in really good shape! A bit annoyed they're still locked in, but not particularly sick anymore. A bit of the sniffles and some headaches but let's hope the worst is behind them.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Good to hear you got your procedure done for now
    Thanks, but not such good news. A monumental series of f-ups and lies pre procedure, followed by f-ups on the day of the procedure causing issues with my mega-rare condition, followed by a number of post procedure f-ups that I informed them about/tried to stop FOUR times pre procedure which not only has previously put me in a position where it/they could have 'ended' things, or could have caused serious/permanent damage, and has/could have/may end up in serious-mega serious issues, AND is going to require a likely trip back to the hospital tomorrow, despite the fact I'm disabled and have informed them that it 100% causes me issues before, during and definitely after, all because the system is fkd with a capital F, and because they take f-all notice of anything a patient tells them.

    On top of that I'm lots of pain and discomfort, and am bleeding from somewhere you really don't want to be bleeding from.

    Life is such fun ............ NOT!!!!! +
    Last edited by RedNoodle; 12th November 2020 at 12:20 AM.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Sounds really rough Noods.

    Good to hear about your old folks Bali.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Does anyone have a few thousand spare surface to lower orbit missiles I could borrow ?

    I'm assuming the massive garden floodlights at night in the sky are Tesla Satellites.

  10. #60
    Join Date
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    You would not believe how much **** can happen to one person in the space of one hour.

    Fate, Karma, God, whatever ....... Can you please either stop ****Ing torturing me, or just finish me off!!!!!

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