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Thread: The President's brain is missing

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    1) Hi CCTV
    I am not sure that has been debunked.
    What media or other sources should we believe?
    2) I am not a democrat or otherwise
    3) What impact the potential interference may have on global politics may unravel over many years.
    Russia and Putin play a very clever game of Chess.
    I do not know what there end game is but the as yet unproved involvement in the plane shot down, the incursion into Crimea and Ukraine, a) the poisoning of certan Russian subjects and the present situation in Syria and Belarus should not be viewed in my opinion as lacking some strategy. e.g. b)probe, test and no response - good - continue to probe.
    It would not surprise me, whilst the rest of the world are so busy with this virus, if Russia are 'invited' into Belarus thus linking Russia with Kaliningrad and the Baltic Sea and at the same time isolating Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
    Russia is also going to be a major energy supplier to the EU.
    4)Those are my thoughts.
    Where I last worked in UK there were a lot of Polish guys worried about this scenario and there reserve army had increased massively over the last few years.
    They are worried too.
    They think Putin wants to reclaim what he views as land occupied by Russian speaking people.
    5)Trump has very little to say v Putin. He appears to like being associated with dictators.
    Signed a deal yesterday with Arab nations and Israel. 6) Was that a good deal? Perhaps time will tell.
    7) Managed to fit in some debunking view on climate change in Oregon/California.
    UK like to be associated with US.
    I thought the world was better c. 2000 - went on a massive long holiday that year across europe and met many Russian tourists.
    1) Aaron mate won an izzy award for his journalism on it and has been at the un with opcw whistleblowers, seems to be active in good journalism albeit he has his bias, professionalbut very lefty.
    Bill Binney iirc a Sam Adams award winner for intelligence whistleblower (Assange & Snowden also won) would be a good one to follow up imo. Debunks the goosifer2 proposal (imo leading one to the seth rich conspiracy and Assange's reward for info around his death - a botched robbery - failed to rob, managed to murder). A very smart guy and dubbed NSA super genius.
    There are a few more.
    If it's not been debunked satisfactorily, what evidence would you present for it ?

    2) that is surprising, you come across as a lefty by your posts and content coverage. Do you know what you are politically ? A no would be an acceptable answer as it can be detailed.

    3) I find it interesting that you were so set on an impact from trumps words, but less so with a hypothesis being proposed of Russia controlling the White House.

    I guess we have very different views of Russia/Putin. I wonder how you can worry about Russia at all if they cant even use nerve agents effectively to kill people ?
    Russia is a superpower and along with the yanks one of the 2 big nuclear weapon powers. I think they have longstanding interests and relationships with their hinterland owing to their military interests. Along with iran it would seem they have put their country right in the middle of nato/us airbases.
    A) I'm sceptical of these chemical weapons attacks, the opcw has had several whistleblowers raise issue with the body for deviating so much from their report and similarly with skrippals I'm suspicous.
    Whilst it would seem to be odd timing, that Russias gasline to Germany nordstream2 reaching completion and Assad when winning the war would deploy chemical weapons- the reports whistleblowers indicating in favour of Assad.
    B) Russia has a longstanding relationship with Syria so it's not surprising to me they intervened against ISIS when asked into the country. Many of those ISIS fighters have been in Libya and now Azerbaijan iirc on behalf of Erdogan it seems. In Ukraine they annexed a part of ukraine that voted for independence where the population is mostly ethnic russians.
    The German led EU expansion into eastern europe has probably upset Russia and the post cold war agreements so I wonder how they are probing and testing. They have geopolitical interests and want a sense of security.
    For me Russia are not exactly a comparably active aggressor as western nations.

    4) most of my encounters with eastern Europeans have had similar levels of suspicion and disdain for Germans, Russians and Muslims. Sometimes yanks, but less so.

    5) given your appraisal of his comments at the start of this thread, perhaps you should be grateful hes said very little about Putin. Do you want him to inflame Russian concerns over the expansion of the EU ever further into the lebensraum and the German/French push for an EU army.

    6) are there peace deals you've disliked before ? Theres also the serbia/Kosovo one too, whilst deescalating North Korea to a decent extent.
    There have been some historic landmarks from it, a jewish plane landing in the uae. Longer term I'm not sure how the region is resolved. There are large factions that dont want peace, can there be jews in a peaceful middle east. When the alternative version of cbbc has kids talking about wanting to grow up and shoot every jew or depicting a jew killing their barney/mickeymouse I'm not overly optimistic. In terms of strategy it's probably wisest to build some coalition amongst the more agreeable, but it might be resolved unsatisfactorily.
    I wouldnt hold out for a northern Ireland type future anytime soon.

    7) what are you referring to?
    Was it the forest management failures or the prediction of a foreseeable cooling in the coming years ? (something I'd be interested to see if it happens myself as our next solar cycle is expected to be a rather low one, albeit temperature imo will continue to rise over the remainder of the century unless solar activity is going to decrease, about half a degree Celsius for 2100 on current data imo)

    To me Russia could play an important role in preventing a hot war between the USA and China. To do so they will need to keep their economic ties with china strong but manage to keep their own position as the superior military power of the 2.

  2. #22
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by reddownunder View Post
    I'd say that Israel's aggressive border expansion policies that violate international law are the main impediment to peace in the middle east. No pie in the sky middle east peace plan will ever have any impact whatsoever until this issue is addressed.
    Well, that's not going to happen is it, the Israel Lobby is doing a fine job of interfering in politics across the entire globe labelling anyone who calls them out for their continuing breaches of international law and human rights as antisemitic

    They're even after ethical supermarkets like the co-op and other shops that won't stock any goods from Israel that has been produced in illegally occupied territories and trying to label them as antisemitic

    Most people these days aren't religious or don't practice a faith in the true sense of doing so, but in the text and teachings of most faiths people are taught to look after the vulnerable and support the oppressed, the whole fake antisemitism thing is actually very twisted, it is anti so many other faiths and attempts to stop people of good faith practicing their faith in line with such teachings

    They're not even practicing their own faith, in the old testament of the COE we have Moses and the ten commandments

    That shalt not kill
    Thou shalt not covet......................

    There are lots of thou shalt not covets, it's pretty safe to take it that it means you shouldn't in general and also includes land

    And in all of this there isn't any small print saying not doing these things is limited to not doing them to people of your own faith does it, it just says don't do them
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #23
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    2) that is surprising, you come across as a lefty by your posts and content coverage.
    Lefty is a term invented by the RW media as a form of ridiculing decent people, often people of genuine faith for wanting to create societies and a world that cares for all the people the texts of every religious book tells them to

    A lot of people describe/label me as a lefty, what people would view as my politics aren't about left or right, they are about right or wrong, they are born out of my studying RE from the age of 12 and doing numerous essays in which we had to take a story from the bible and put it into modern day

    Everyone should read the teachings of a faith, I'm not asking them to believe in God, just read it and take the contents as teachings of how to be decent and to discipline yourself from caving in to mans worst primal instincts, as that is what most biblical stories are about

    The 'society' we live in, despite purporting to be a 'Christian society', through the media actively encourages people to hone and develop those worst instincts, it preys on mankinds susceptibility and weakness to fall into them

    In one of my essays, we were doing Soddom and Gomorrah and I made the comparison of them being the US and UK in today's world, I got a 10.

    Perhaps covid is our Soddom and Gomorrah moment, our leave the world you have created and never look back lest you turn into a pillar of salt moment
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wonder how long it'll be until there's riots on the street....

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    So hope the pig man loses the US election, really going to fuck Boris up the arse if it does too, hopefully the pig man does lose and it brings the Trumpian copycat behaviour of the God awful Tories to an end as it makes my blood boil and my skin crawl

    Trump would never have got the trade deal he was promising Johnson, that incidentally would have been a disaster deal for the UK, through congress anyway because of the NI issue and the huge amount of Irish Americans in US Congress, he won't get a deal from the US at all with Trump gone, Obama told them they'd be right at the back of the queue if they split from the EU and opened the region up to trade war and instability, while Trump desperately wanted a trade war on Europe
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    fucking cunts

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    So hope the pig man loses the US election, really going to fuck Boris up the arse if it does too, hopefully the pig man does lose and it brings the Trumpian copycat behaviour of the God awful Tories to an end as it makes my blood boil and my skin crawl

    Trump would never have got the trade deal he was promising Johnson, that incidentally would have been a disaster deal for the UK, through congress anyway because of the NI issue and the huge amount of Irish Americans in US Congress, he won't get a deal from the US at all with Trump gone, Obama told them they'd be right at the back of the queue if they split from the EU and opened the region up to trade war and instability, while Trump desperately wanted a trade war on Europe
    I use lefty and righty to describe people loosely associated with the political divide, often tied to personality data.
    Be interesting to see how the us elections turn out imo, prior to covid I had the righties walking it.

    Perhaps you should practice what you preach.

    I find it odd how you rate Obama/Biden so highly.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    Wonder how long it'll be until there's riots on the street....
    As Ian said in the footy forum, look after yourself and be fixing peoples washing machines to call round.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    3 days
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    1 day really hope Pig man loses

    He's a very dangerous idiot, he like a child in a man's body, a child spoilt rotten, never told no and used to getting his own way and that's what makes him so very dangerous
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”



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