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Thread: The President's brain is missing

  1. #71
    Join Date
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    City of Self Doubt

    Yeah, I think a narrow victory for Biden seems likely at this point. Here's a live tracker:
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    In regards to Sargon of Akkad, yes I can see how pointing out facts/common sense and certain hypocrisies can be/is seen by many these days as being a bit right wing.

  3. #73
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    Like I said, it's been a while since I stopped listening to him - maybe he's improved his content. He'd long since started doing a bunch of other very politically convenient things besides pointing out facts when I stopped watching him. Felt like he was making compromises with the principles he used to follow for his own political gain - not good enough I'm afraid.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  4. #74
    Join Date
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    Hahahaha, just tuned into The Young Turks live coverage:

    Ana "I'm better than you" Kasparian on Trump voters: "These people... if you don't agree with their political views, they'll just start screaming that you're a pedophile."

    ...kind of like you with your political enemies by using the word "nazi" and "racist", Ana?

    That's not saying both sides aren't sometimes (probably a lot more often than we'd like) right in their accusations.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Like I said, it's been a while since I stopped listening to him - maybe he's improved his content. He'd long since started doing a bunch of other very politically convenient things besides pointing out facts when I stopped watching him. Felt like he was making compromises with the principles he used to follow for his own political gain - not good enough I'm afraid.
    Making compromises, or reassessing his political views and the perceptions/narratives surrounding which side of the fence one happens to be on in regards to numerous socio-political issues? I'd personally say the latter. He recently made a video regarding the extent to which he and another prominent YouTuber have changed when it comes to where they currently lie on the socio-political spectrum.

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Making compromises, or reassessing his political views and the perceptions/narratives surrounding which side of the fence one happens to be on in regards to numerous socio-political issues? I'd personally say the latter. He recently made a video regarding the extent to which he and another prominent YouTuber have changed when it comes to where they currently lie on the socio-political spectrum.
    It was definitely compromises with the way he presented and sourced data. Dishonest reporting, wishful data interpretation, flat out inaccuracies that suited his agenda - that sort of thing. Once I lose trust for a youtuber like that it's just too much work to fact check everything they post.

    I might check out the video you mentioned. I know he took a political compass test years ago. I landed ever so slightly further left and slightly further authoritarian than he did. I think it was one square in either direction, might have been two on the authoritarian axis.

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  7. #77
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    I can't say I've looked into how he has sourced his data, not that he's used that much in the videos I've watched. I'm much more interested in how he/others perceive the actions, narratives and agendas of those he talks about, namely when it comes to hypocrisy and common sense, or more accurately the lack of it

  8. #78
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    Yeah, makes sense. He used to be a more or less reasonable guy from what I could tell back in the day.

    I just can't take him seriously anymore when I have to question every word that comes out his mouth and double or triple check every logical connection he makes when explaining why he perceives something the way he does, as I'm afraid he's just pushing his own agenda.
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  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    It was definitely compromises with the way he presented and sourced data. Dishonest reporting, wishful data interpretation, flat out inaccuracies that suited his agenda - that sort of thing. Once I lose trust for a youtuber like that it's just too much work to fact check everything they post.

    I might check out the video you mentioned. I know he took a political compass test years ago. I landed ever so slightly further left and slightly further authoritarian than he did. I think it was one square in either direction, might have been two on the authoritarian axis.

    That graph is very funny imo, bernie is in the middle or neutral on the authoritarian scale !! and just left of centre economically.

    I went to the site and read a little (a bit biased) and took the test (a bit lame)
    Where would you place me on their map at a guess ? Where did you land ?

    Noods/19 ye should give it a whirl.

  10. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    Yeah, makes sense. He used to be a more or less reasonable guy from what I could tell back in the day.

    I just can't take him seriously anymore when I have to question every word that comes out his mouth and double or triple check every logical connection he makes when explaining why he perceives something the way he does, as I'm afraid he's just pushing his own agenda.
    A person should question everything and everyone, including themselves from time to time. Unfortunately agenda pushing is more prevalent than ever, especially in regards to those who have a big, perhaps the biggest influence on children. That is as concerning as anything else at the moment.



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