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Thread: LFC to take strongest possible action following derby VAR debacle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    LFC to take strongest possible action following derby VAR debacle

    Personally, I think moving forward it is absolutely imperitif that the club takes the strongest possible action in the light of the astonishing misuse and clear bias in the application of VAR yesterday

    First and foremost and what is vitally important before proceeding is that the club obtain all available footage of the incidents. Study each incident forensically and ensure there is absolutely no doubt all 3 decisions were, put simply, deliberately plain wrong and can therefore only possibly be viewed as an act of gross misconduct by the VAR official and an act of clear and deliberate bias.

    This isn't swings and roundabouts, human error due to the speed of the action live on the pitch, this is VAR, the purpose of which is to study the footage of key incidents with those elements removed to ensure the laws of the game are applied correctly and the correct decisions are made. There is simply and absolutely no excuse whatsoever for yesterday's VAR official to have wilfully and deliberately advised the referee entirely incorrectly if indeed the clubs forensic analysis of the footage confirms what we and everyone else in the football world believe to be true, that all 3 major VAR decisions we patently incorrect.

    The case to answer is as follows:

    In the incident with Van Dijk, the footage appears to show that Virgil wasn't offside at all and was very clearly onside. It is the duty of the VAR official to look at that footage and advise the match referee that the player wasn't offside and he needs to revise his decision, award a penalty and issue a red card to Pickford

    Further in the incident with Virgil, the laws of the game re dangerous play/violent conduct are very clear, indeed, later in the same game match referee Michael Oliver applied the laws correctly sending Richarlison off for a dangerous two footed challenge on Thiago which came after the whistle had been blown for another foul. Again, the duty of the VAR official, even in the event that Van Dijk was offside, is to advise the match official that he needs to look again at Pickford's challenge and issue a red card.

    The last issue is what should have been a deserved late winner when Henderson converted Mane's centre, Mane incredibly being incorrectly adjudged to be offside by the VAR official when match official Michael Oliver had correctly awarded a goal.

    All these things being as they appeared to everyone who saw them except for the VAR official on the day when the club review the footage they should absolutely insist on the strongest possible action and should go far further than just the FA and referees association, but should take the issue up with UEFA and FIFA and enlist the support of Virgil's national team manager as to how scandalous the decision to take no action against Pickford was.

    Towards the end of last season it became apparent to me at least, that the sort of bias we used to see from match officials, them adversly influencing the outcome of games with plain wrong decisions, deliberately and through human error had started to creep into the decisions being made by VAR officials, with VAR there simply are NO excuses for the human error element too many people used to give match officials the benefit of the doubt with.

    To me, like with many things, how those VAR decisions in the final quarter of last season were portrayed by commentators and our media was simply an attempt to try and normalise clear and deliberate bias as somehow acceptable, we CAN NOT accept it, we should not accept it, there is no excuse for it and it is completely, utterly and entirely unacceptable.

    This is why I believe that having made the appropriate checks the club should push for the strongest possible action and take it to the very highest levels of the game with UEFA and FIFA because i for one do not want to see the outcome of games and the winners of competitions and the League title decided by such deliberate wrong decisions, after 30 years of it and last season being the first season in my lifetime that any team has won a league title without any supporter of any club being able to legitimately raise questions about points gained in some games and lost by their rivals in others when officials got things badly wrong, wilfully or otherwise and it is a huge step forward and we need to preserve that.

    I would call for that VAR official to issue a full explanation and apology and be immediately removed and disbarred from having any further role in making VAR decisions or any part in officiating games also as that kind of deliberate bias simply no longer has any place in the game
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    There is absolutely no chance of (1) that, or those officials coming out to explain themselves and (2) apologising for their actions. Incidents like those yesterday happen all the time and nothing gets done regarding punishing officials just because certain decisions go against clubs. VAR isn't going anywhere, it will be another team on the wrong end of things next week, or even today. Officials don't or shouldn't have to explain themselves for coming to a decision that we don't like. Just move on, whatever happens or doesn't happen, it won't alter the result of the game. We never needed VAR to start with, goalline technology is definitive and it comes to the right decisions each and every time, everything else is down to opinion, that's why it will never improve the sport. VAR was supposed to clear up any offside decisions, yesterday just proved it isn't doing.
    Last edited by skyebo; 18th October 2020 at 01:37 PM.
    If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2003
    Arsenal will feel aggrieved that they didn’t get a penalty for a ridiculously high boot from Walker in the box, while Timo Werner clearly controlled the ball on his arm (below his shirt sleeve) before scoring his second.
    The officials are absolutely clueless as to how to use VAR, clueless.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yesterday was an act of clear and deliberate bias by a VAR official who with the speed of the game removed and the benefit of reviewing the footage in still frame and slow motion and numerous different angles had no excuse whatsoever to incorrectly advise Michael Oliver

    This isn't an opinion, these weren't 'open to interpretation' incidents, these were cut and dried review the footage and make sure the correct decisions were awarded under the laws of the game decisions and there's no excuse whatsoever for that

    I is absolutely vital the club pursue this and the immediate removal of that official from any part in officiating games, you're entirely missing the point, there where incidents last season which people didn't like which were the result of VAR being applied as FIFA and UEFA had outlined on certain incidents, and this season with the Dier handball, no-one liked it, but VAR was applied as the laws of the game and FIFA and UEFA interpretation of such instances required it to be, yesterdays incidents ARE NOT the same as what you are talking about

    It's vital the club go incredibly strong on this after making the appropriate forensic footage checks, because this is EXACTLY how this sort of bias is allowed to be normalised and the club need to make it absolutely clear we will not stand for it and we will not accept it
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. VAR cannot be run by refs. It should be an independent organisation with independent people in it.

    I think Casey Keller said they have that system in one of the American sports. Think it's an amazing idea.
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    People were calling for VAR years before they brought it in, as they wasn't happy with the referees making all the calls. I don't just mean fans, managers and owners were desperate for it to be brought in. A few decisions don't go their way, and now it seems like a bad idea. Those people should have been more careful in what they wished for.
    If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Balinkay View Post
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. VAR cannot be run by refs. It should be an independent organisation with independent people in it.

    I think Casey Keller said they have that system in one of the American sports. Think it's an amazing idea.
    Maybe the rules in those sports are easier for everyone to understand.
    If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just put it in the net, and we'll talk about the other options later... Bob Paisley.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2008
    This is the first time in all my years watching games that I felt there was real prejudice involved.
    Over the years there have been lots of marginal decisions, who can forget that we lost the league, arguably, to city two seasons ago because of the ball not being one millimetre more over the line.
    Jon Moss, who I think is just inept rather than malicious , has single handedly caused us a lot of grief. But despite all the conspiracy theories I just accepted that sometimes it goes against you due to bad human judgement.
    However yesterday you had the sense that it was not just inept judgement. They took about five minutes moving those lines around Sadio Mane, they wanted it to be offside, but it just wasn't. In the end they sort of said fuck it, it's offside end of story.
    Someone on here on another thread said the guy reading the VAR was someone called Coot, I think, and he is well known to be a Man Utd fan.Is that true?.
    I know they have a rule in place that says a referee has to indicate what club he supports and he obviously can't ref games with that club involved, but someone reffing a game between his favourites rivals can clearly be biased.
    It's gonna be a tight league this year. Will we miss out by two points?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I don't see the point in the club even bothering, not going to make any difference

    should of just sliced the cunts down instead, stevie g would after seeing the incidents.

    we're soft, I know it's good and don't want our players to get sent off, but we really are soft, sometimes I wish we had a player that actually got stuck in.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    You remember how Everton were under Moyes, and even Joe Royal's dogs of war. But you expect a bit more class from an Ancelotti side. Richarlison has clearly got anger management problems.



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