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Thread: Cavani Should Face the same ban as Suarez

  1. #61
    No he shouldn't be banned !

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    Suarez said "negro" (pronounced "neh-gro") on one occasion, if his version of events is accurate.

    "Negrito" is a, for want of a better word, "softer" word again. One is a physical characteristic descriptive (which in South American culture seems to be "fine") whilst the other is a touch more endearing despite having the same basic meaning.

    A comparison I could make in terms of how it might be viewed through an English-speaking lens would be a couple where ("Negrito" comparison) a fella who has been with his wife for 30 years with a pre-established, banterish relationship might affectionately grab the Missus' love handles and say "my chunky Muffin" which, in their relationship context, is a term of endearment (even if it might go down a stinker with other people and even though he is basically calling her fat) whereas "Negro" would simply be the word "fat" - I have friends who would call THEMSELVES fat and I would say "fat" as a descriptive in certain contexts, but we all know that referring to someone as "fat" is, at best, open to interpretation and at worst (and often used this way at school age or amongst arseholes) packs a malicious punch.

    So to use this comparison (again, I know it isn't the best) imagine referring to a woman you were in a competitive environment with (playing Chess, both trying to grab the last of an item in the Supermarket) and busting out the "fat" word - it's only going to be taken one way no matter what your intent, whatever your thoughts on that are, versus the friendly pseudo-ridicule of your curvy Missus who is very comfortable with having an extra slice of Pizza rather than hitting the Gym and pokes fun at herself for it. You might think (for example) that it's better to let people know they are far as tough love so they exercise more/eat better/live longer and be genuinely using the word from a place of good wishes as you hate seeing your mate out of breath, but that isn't going to matter to most folk, etc etc.

    Given that Suarez himself said he used "negro" (excerpts from his book, referenced in the Guardian) it would suggest that "Negrito" came from somewhere else - perhaps even our PR team - though I truthfully have no desire to go back and analyse everything as it's a period our Club and fanbase could likely do with forgetting - I remember wincing when I saw that "Klanfield" newspaper article and not wanting to wear a Liverpool top for a few months in case it was taken to be a right-wing emblem for a bit by some of Northern Ireland's resident nutjobs that I wouldn't want to be associated with.
    Negrito or Negrita is 100% fine / accepted in Latin America

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    My point being that is the word Suarez was hung out to dry with and why he was banned. So when another player uses it, shouldn’t he be treated the same.
    It’s even worse really, when the warning to others has been sent out via a lengthy ban.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by JAYPEA View Post
    Fair points. I think sexism is taken more seriously now than was 8 years ago or so when this happened. With the female ‘linesmen’ promotion of women’s football by the FA BBC etc. Society and therefore authorities deem racism worse and more of a no go. In same way Jimmy Carr or Frankie Boyle mock women, people with disabilities including downs, religion, paedo priests etc but they stay clear of mocking skin colour. Although all these along with age, sexual orientation etc are protected under the same legislation.

    As for France not sure what their laws say the Equality Act 2010 is UK not EU legislation.
    Think it depends who you ask, for some Trump/Bojo dont get slagged enough.

    For the critical theorist slant I'd say blacks aren't alone, Jews, Muslims and Trans are probably rarely/never mocked on BBC etc I'd guess.

    The only other category I can think of would be slagging off deaths, especially victims of terrorism Billy Connolly got some grief over a joke about that Bigley fellow who was decapitated iirc or over some troops being killed.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    My point being that is the word Suarez was hung out to dry with and why he was banned. So when another player uses it, shouldn’t he be treated the same.
    It’s even worse really, when the warning to others has been sent out via a lengthy ban.
    2 totally different
    1. With meaning of hatred and to incite a racial reaction during a football match. (Suarez)

    2. The other was a message to a friend or family member ;
    endearing term meaning sweetheart especially in writing. (Negrito or Negrita)

    In the Suarez and Evra incident both were at fault imo.
    It's just Evra was more cunning than the non subtle Suarez.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    The problem is that it it all comes down to interpretation. The only person who will know for sure the intent behind uttering such a word is the person who said it. With that being the case, it is in many instances going to be impossible to know for sure if it was meant to cause offence or not.

    As a result you really only have two rational/fair choices. You either make a rule that everyone has to follow to the letter i.e. certain words, phrases, or statements are totally off limits, and if you utter them you get x punishment with no appeal, or you allow people to say whatever they want.

    The latter would just cause chaos, which means that the only fair option is to have a 'one rule, one punishment, no argument' approach.

    Some are trying to argue that Cavani wouldn't know what can and cannot be said over here, but I'm sorry I call BS on that. His country's arguably most famous footballer was punished for something similar, something that was and would have been big news in the sporting world and would have been well known about by anyone with any interest in football, never mind those who hail from that country AND played with that particular footballer for their national team.

    One thing that really pees me off in life is this 'one rule for thee, and another one for me' approach that is prevalent in many areas of life.

  7. #67
    Cavani was talking to who ?
    Why should he change his language?

    Suarez was talking to Evra...

    2 totally different contexts

    The Cavani situation this is a joke

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I know all about context.

    If a word used is deemed offensive enough to ban someone for 8 games, it shouldn’t be used at all.

    Unless we’re saying it was wrong to ban Suarez for using the word, at least to ban him for 8 games.

    Can’t change my mind on this, I know all the arguments, it’s my opinion.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    I know all about context.

    If a word used is deemed offensive enough to ban someone for 8 games, it shouldn’t be used at all.

    Unless we’re saying it was wrong to ban Suarez for using the word, at least to ban him for 8 games.

    Can’t change my mind on this, I know all the arguments, it’s my opinion.
    well your opinion is wrong

    Get out


    (doubt you'd have the same opinion if cavani played for us)

  10. #70

    Suarez was guilty
    But Evra was cute victim.

    Cavani story is a nothing story.

    Total joke, a warped fucked up world totally insane making something from absolutely nothing from an innocent message to a friend/family (uncle?)

    I am totally amazed on how much people are influenced from fake false news.

    This bunch of cave people sum up the cream of the world 🤣🤣



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