I have my answer hopefully to my 'pigeon post' . Thank you Redebreck!
To the Afghanistan scenario and what Biden is saying I would like to say
Is it Dé-jŕ vu or full circle or back to square one or worse.
Lots of people trapped there.
So sad!
Hi Kev0909
This is a brief revisit following my 'pigeon post'.
Somewhere in my past historic readings I remember someone saying that a democracy needs a strong army.
I cannot recall where that statement came from but the US and UK et al never really gave either to the Afghans -
more like
'let us see what they are made of'.
What a sad mess.
I have my answer hopefully to my 'pigeon post' . Thank you Redebreck!
To the Afghanistan scenario and what Biden is saying I would like to say
Is it Dé-jŕ vu or full circle or back to square one or worse.
Lots of people trapped there.
So sad!
Biden's not in charge for Pete's sake!!....Trump won in a landslide and was sworn in as President of the new REPUBLIC of the USA on 22nd August(Fox news were forced to tell the truth)....Dominion machine fraud gave Biden the presidency of the BANKRUPT corporation of the USA,basically they cheated and the data is there to prove it...Biden's just a puppet for the Deep State Cabal(Rothschilds,Rockersfellers,Bilderbergs,Gates ,CCP) with the backing of the seriously loaded Vatican which is being taken down by a 22 nation military alliance...Those evil bastards had the intention of having the whole world enslaved in a Chinese style credit system with surveillance everywhere,forced vacs and chips in the arm and brains in the name of Transhumanism.....Just have look at the World Economic Forum's 4th industrial revolution(4th Reich more like) THE GREAT RESET and the UN's Agenda 21 or 2030......People need to wake the fuck up and fight back against this crap and STOP believing the mainstream media,they've lied to us all for the past 18 months.....Military trials are already taking place in GITMO(Guantanemo Bay).....A lot of peeps have woken up to this shit but SO many are still brainwashed by the likes of BBC,ITV and Sky in this country.....![]()
A democracy needs a strong and impartial media, it is a fundamental requirement for democracy to function, people need to be informed and for their media to give them both sides of any argument or story and for their media to speak truth to power and provoke and encourage outrage in the public for legitimate reasons
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”
Democracy only works to the extent that the public are involved. Which isn't much in this country.
This fuel panic buying is bonkers
95% of the world population are thick as shit, and as technology has evolved so they are now always in the reaches of modern media and advertising, well, it's greatly accelerated the process
What we are witnessing in our lifetimes is the devolution of the human race, the majority are so conformed through the media to accepting the status quo and what media sources they 'believe' to be trusted tell them that they are completely losing the ability to question, logic and reasoning, most don't even recognise that the 'trusted sources' stopped doing journalism and giving them both sides of every story and argument so they are able to make an informed decision over 20 years ago
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”
The UK is going to the dogs, it's official.
Coming up shortly, in Wales, we can no longer beat the shit out of young people.
What is this country coming to?
It's going to be a close run thing to see which film the world is going to emulate. Terminator, Mad Max, Waterworld or Soylent Green!