Masks back in england, oh shit here we go again it's the start of losing control once more.
Just get in the de Lorean and go back to March 2020
Great going to have get jab'd again ffs
I'm avoiding my booster.
Don't believe the government, state scientists, etc., etc. have a clue what they're doing. Even if they do I don't trust them!
There's more than enough evidence out there now that these 'vaccines' are causing long term harms and deaths via blood clots,strokes,heart attacks,heart inflammation(especially in the young)...IMHO anyone taking this booster now wants their fecking heads read! and to protect against a disease that NO-ONE has ever proved exists(in the form of a naturally occuring virus)in the first place via Isolation/purification....Do your research,the data's out there...This whole thing is medical fraud on the grandest scale.....![]()
Not being a conspiracy theorist for the most part and because i had had my first 2 shots earlier this year
i went ahead and got the Booster shot on Wednesday.......In for a penny in for a pound i guess.
Read the November 29th tab from Ben Fulford(Top Geo-Political journo)....And by the way the Khazarian Mafia are the Deep State/Cabal,basically the rich elites pushing this whole agenda...