Totally agree about Corbyn. A thoroughly decent man who actually cares about people and wants equality and fairness.
A total hatchet job done on him by the scum media in this country. He didn't help himself at times and he was a bit of a disaster of a leader in some ways. Nobody can deny his integrity and values though and they're the reason he was smeared so much.
I've always said that I genuinely don't think he ever really wanted the job, imagine what would have happened to him had he been in charge during the pandemic and what's happening now.
😱 It was for 6 of us. 1100 quid just before Xmas for a weekend, we hadn't been on hols for a while so was a bit of a xmas splurge for the kids. Priced up for summer because they enjoyed it so much but its going to be a bridge too far.
We bought a French bulldog puppy instead!
Have invested in a new Camera.
I got a lot of use from my last one (which will still get used) but as a Technophobe I was very reliant on Automatic settings.
Determined to "study" a bit more with the new one - actually aim to get the most from it, gain a better understanding of ISO, shutter speed and so on, with a view to furthering my Wildlife Photographs - I won't go so far to say "photography" as the standard out there is very high and my images generally are okay-ish and not more, but it is what it is.
Might start some sort of Blog/WordPress as a sort of picture Diary with (relatively) short captions to supplement a project I want to set up for specialised Nestboxes.
If I get to a stage where I do that sort of thing and set up a subsequent Twitter/Instagram/whatever I'll update the thread and anyone who has an interest in following said Nature stuff and wants to follow me and all that guff, they're very welcome, though that side of it is a way off yet.
Your hobbies are rollerblading and you're also a bit of a rat-hound? Steel Wool
Sid knows he's crazy and he likes it. Balinkay
I did enter it, so fingers crossedYou never know, I've spread a lot of light and joy to a lot of people in this life through my Christian outlook and it being in my nature to do so, maybe i'm long overdue a bit of good luck, it's all I have to cling onto in truth, the hope of a bit of incredible good fortune that facilitates me being able to live away from a society that made me ill and makes me ill that I've always had a severe aversion to. So I can be at peace. It disturbs me and causes me incredible distress every time people who don't really understand mental health try to make me partake in their 'society' that makes me so desperately ill
Time and talking to fellow sufferers has led me to numerous epiphanies these past few years, I've realised my condition is far more severe and debilitating than I ever realised and the absolute importance of environment most of all, and that my music industry environment, protected, in a bubble very much away from society I spent 16 years of my life in, with only the incredibly positive aspects of my so called disorders affecting me throughout and my becoming incredibly ill every time I had tried to enter 'society', it really brought it home.
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”
Re them not understanding mental health
'Might have been' if they understood at all, every single one of them would realise in a instant that Einstein very obviously suffered from both autism and bipolar when reading his quotes. If you view the world in a certain way, differently to almost all other people and have done all your life, through having those disorders and read those quotes, it is so obviousThe connection goes a lot deeper than that, and the history of that connection goes a lot further back too. In fact, some modern psychologists theorize that illustrious scientists such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein might have been autistic.
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”
Honestly, it is literally being the living dead, you know your life is over, the only thing you need and hope for is to be able to be secure financially, not loaded, but to have enough to get by away from everyone else and a society that makes you ill. The football and my great nephew are the only 2 things I have
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”