That's the problem with this forum when someone goes missing sadly you don't know if they've just gone inactive for a bit or something has happened IRL (much like yourself when you vanished) even more so with your problems
Thinking of what to do that's more productive lately instead of video games in my free time, which is a lot atm, i've started doing some fitness

, thinking of learning a Lauguage perhaps online, try and self-teach much as possible using the interwebs resources, or if anyone has any ideas??
Probably going to try learn some swedish first, yes I know a lot of swedish speak english still, but it's still nice to know some, also one of the "easier" ones to learn I believe, and a old school friend who's from sweden orignally and went back there after few years of uni here, it would be good to visit him on holiday when the time is right as it's been years.. and sweden is beautiful
Decided I can spend more time doing productive things, than "waste life" on video games, now it's just the matter of finding said things to do.
Spent a good amount of time on videos games in the past, there's nothing wrong with it but I feel like I need to live and do more in the real world, and life is wasting away a little just spent on games, afterall- it's just pixels etc it means nothing in the grand scheme of things.