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Thread: Trent Alexander-Arnold

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Trent Alexander-Arnold

    Just wondering what people were thinking on TAA form of late?. To me he seems to be hitting a barn door. The effort is there.He ran all day for the team. Just seems to be not quite on it at the moment. Could be a lack of form. But l think its more likely to be a combination of a previous injury and illness IE Covid.
    Do we rest him and bring him back later or keep playing hoping his form will return?

    This is not a over the top criticism, Hes been top notch since he came into the team at a really early age. And theres massive ability in there has hes shown.But hes having a dip right now. Its to be expected, eventually it was going to happen.So repeat question do we rest him for 3/4 games?
    Cleaning up the Scots since the 13th century

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    The problem we have is the same as those we have with other positions/players i.e. we don't have a reliable, decent quality alternative on our bench/in the squad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hes having a bad spell, really bad by his previous standards. He's not alone but his form has dropped more than others, I'd say Mane is probably the next nearest.
    Last night surely has to be a huge wake up call. Weve surrendered our 4 year undefeated home record with a whimper but that's not the issue as it was going to end at some point this season. Souness said last night that we will find out what this team is made of, they have been on an upward curve for years and this is the first real time they have hit a wall.
    Excellent teams don't turn shit overnight. This run won't go on, it will end and we will turn it around.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Not sure why Milner/neco doesn't get a chance to start ahead of him tbh, normally i'd say no way but he's been awful keeps breaking all the wrong records, the stats are truly shocking and the decline

    at least until the team pick it up a bit and can carry him if he's still awful

    I love the lad but if klopp doesn't trust neco that's another position we need a backup player for, much like the greek on the left just incase of a injury etc, then again I guess gomez can "fill" normally although he's a completely different type of player and is constantly out of position at RB

    but ya know, fsg mate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I think its mainly a form issue but the injury & covid hasnt helped.

    Normally you would play him and get him through it but its much harder this season to do that pretty much 3 games a week.

    Neco will probably start in the cup he is a good back up he is a different kind of full back to Trent which isnt a bad thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Everything about his play looks disjointed as if he cant click fully into games. In the las 3 games he’s blatantly pulled out of tackles and headers and been nutmegged and skint numerous times by average joe wingers. On the offensive side his first touch often leaves the ball behind him or stuck under his feet meaning he can cross on the run and has to check and try fashion a ball from a less optimal position than he’d like. When he does get to cross it’s either into the first man or over everything. It’s all being compounded by poor movement in the box and exacerbated by a lot of poor underhit passed out to him when in good positions.

    He’s woefully out of form but there are plenty more along for the ride with him.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I think he is in a run of bad form. It happens.

    I also think our best crossed come from deeper and in transition, behind the defence with runners bombing onto them.

    Once the opposition defence is set, crosses, particularly from an out-of-form player, won't yield much. Especially at the height of the heads of physical centre-backs or the clutching arms of a strong, tall, confident keeper.

    Trent will come good again, they all will. But he is currently not contributing in the attack whilst he still retains his defensive weaknesses. It's not a winning combo and I just wonder if, being a local lad, he is carrying psychological weight on the shoulders the way Stevie used to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Byron Bay Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    Not sure why Milner/neco doesn't get a chance to start ahead of him tbh, normally i'd say no way but he's been awful keeps breaking all the wrong records, the stats are truly shocking and the decline

    at least until the team pick it up a bit and can carry him if he's still awful

    I love the lad but if klopp doesn't trust neco that's another position we need a backup player for, much like the greek on the left just incase of a injury etc, then again I guess gomez can "fill" normally although he's a completely different type of player and is constantly out of position at RB

    but ya know, fsg mate
    Speaking of Tsimikas he hasn't played a single minute in the league. Another sick note..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Please play Neco on sunday, trent needs a physical and mental rest. He's been given chances to play his way out if the poor form and it isnt working. Ditto firmino, sadly i dont know if he will ever recapture his form of 18mths ago. Not sure if Jota was bought aa his replacement or not but he/his position needs a quality alternative..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I always feel Trents better crossing when he's less time to think about it plus he's always very deep into the oppositions half these past few months.
    It also doesn't help when there's 8 or 9 big defenders in a crowded box when he's trying to cross and find or players.
    We're better when we break quick and hit them from our full backs but teams now just sit back and defend.
    Robbo was no better last night it's just a huge lack of confidence from everyone.



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