Impeachment should not be confused to being a Court case the terms of impeachment are only used to remove a President from office before his due date.He was already out of office and therefore his defense under rules of the constitution believed the impeachment just another witch hunt that should not have proceeded.
Civil proceedings can be brought about after the impeachment which is possibly what you are asking people to comment upon....but that is yet if at all to come to fruition.
The rally on Jan 6th that the Dems claim Trump egged on as you say the "mob" is very vague it has been determined that the majority of the crowd were retired or ex military personnel with a set agenda.
They were supposedly dressed in military garb including bullet proof vests an array of weapons to the extent that this had been pre-planned for months and the attack on the Capital was going to happen with or without Trump but the organizers had planned this to co-inside with the Jan 6th rally.
When people ( "mob") moved on the Capital i doubt anyone with a brain including Trump would try to stop this "Military Mob" in fact i didn't once hear anyone at the impeachment how Trump could of conceivably put a stop to it.It would have been interesting to hear someone's opinion as to how he could have.
Surely no-one would expect him to come out to confront them this "mob" was not going to be stopped.