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Thread: Form is temporary class is permanent .....

  1. #1

    Form is temporary class is permanent .....

    I have read and listened to an awful lot of noise around Liverpool FC’s fall supposed from grace this season, some of it probably fair and some of it downright ridiculous, but hey ho like me writing this, everybody has a platform these days to spew ill-informed nonsense, biased opinion or just wanting to make invalidated claims to chase the click count or for just the sake of making headlines… it’s just the Social Media world we now live in…regrettably !!

    However, as a lifelong supporter through some very Good times and some very bad times and everywhere in between, I would like to think that I do respect others right to an opinion that differs from my own, and I certainly don’t view my team through the deep Red lenses others may do, but I must say I do find the narrative out there at the moment that Klopp and Liverpool are completely done and have been found out, is based more on wishful thinking and ingrained bias rather than any considered rational of the circumstances leading up to where Liverpool FC and we as supporters find ourselves right now….

    In fact I do think all of those parties who were calling for the season to be cancelled last season are the very same ones that are now most enjoying Liverpools struggles this season and are not shy in sharing their glee with their critique barrage on all social media platforms...about everything LFC based....

    Well here goes me with my opinion for what it’s worth…

    It’s been well documented by pundits, the Media and supporters alike across the Premier League and Europe that Liverpool’s form over the last three seasons prior to this season has been nothing short of sensational and the record books support that, as does the Trophy cabinet at Anfield.

    In many ways Liverpool were likened to a Juggernaut or an Ocean going liner that was running at full pelt and woe betide anything in its path. Especially as the wins and performances just kept on being produced week after week, month after month season after season and the general concensus was that it was a Team that would take some stopping in the short term…. as the momentum this Team had generated was seemingly just an irresistible force…

    I think I heard Gary Neville, a pundit I like to be fair well 90% of the time anyway 😊, describe Liverpool’s season so far as having to navigate what appears to be a Perfect Storm and to be honest I agree with him, but on reflection I think the Perfect Storm started not this season but mid-way through last season, and let me explain why….

    Momentum requires continued success on the pitch to maintain it, however, a series of small set-backs, results, injuries or enforced pauses can easily affect that hard earned momentum.... to support that how often do we hear the argument...

    " LFC are playing so well now they are certainly not going to want to go off for Half-Time... !!! "

    Unfortunately over the last 12 months there has been a catalogue of all of the above with devastating effect...

    Just prior to the lockdown we lost two massive Cup games, against Chelsea and especially at Anfield against Athletico Madrid in the Champions league. Unfortunately we went into both games without our 1st choice keeper Alison Becker, and huge goalkeeping mistakes by our 2nd choice keeper Adrian…. cost us dear.

    This was quickly followed by the Covid 19 lockdown, so just when we were on the cusp of claiming our 1st Premiership title in 30 years...we had the biggest half-time break in Premier League history.

    During this lockdown the team had nothing to celebrate and their hard earned Momentum was being eroded with every passing week. To make matters worse there was serious consideration being given to the season being declared Null and Void...

    Thankfully the season resumed, but unfortunately the damage had already been done and our team had by now lost all of its momentum and drive, as the Premier League Title was already a foregone conclusion. Then to add this sense of anti-climax there were also now no fans in the Stadiums, so the atmosphere and passion that drives every team onward, especially LFC, was lost and even the Parade to celebrate this remarkable success was denied adding furher to our loss of momentum

    Unfortunately the Pandemic continued with no respite but despite this, the new season commenced after what was a very short break.

    It was quite clear that without the passion of fans, football is a completely different ball game, VAR has also changed the game, unfortunately Referees have not embraced VAR as expected and so the game is all the worse for that too...

    Games have become sterile training sessions, home and away fixtures have seemingly become irrelevant, and results have been so hard to predict with shock results happening to every team, no more strange than Liverpools 7-2 defeat to Aston Villa..

    When you add to this mix season ending injuries to your Best and most influential players in key positions, and a litany of other injuries and illness across the squad. Its little wonder that the remaining fit players have become jaded and exhausted and then when the results start to reflect that, their confidence and energy levels are obviously going to be seriously affected.

    To compound the lack of atmosphere, the injuries, the illnesses, the dropping off energy levels and confidence sapping results you then factor in the game changing individual errors which have seemed to become more frequent the more this season has just start to believe your luck really has deserted you, just when you needed it most.

    To make matters worse, given the financial straits our Club operates under, unable to visit the Financial bottomless pits of an Oil rich Nation, or Oligarch. We are now faced with the fact we are once again not in a position to sign ready made proven talent in the Van Dyke mould, but as we have been are seriously financially compromised by the Pandemic and so we once again find ourselves trying to pan for Gold.... step up Ozan Kabak and Ben Davies.

    In summary, despite all of the above facts it certainly does not absolve Liverpool's performances this season completely, because in truth apart from one or two individuals, most of our remaining fit players this season have not played anywhere near their best and so its combination of this and all of the above that has contributed to our dire form over the last six weeks culminating in our 4th home defeat in succession yesterday to Everton.

    Lets not forget that City have just strung together a remarkable 16 straight wins and so deserve to be League favourites. However, despite all of this, its bloody amazing that we are actually still in contention for a Top four spot....well it is to me anyway.!!!

    So to all of those parties who were calling for the season to be cancelled last season, who it seems are the very same ones that are now most enjoying Liverpools struggles this season and who have not been shy in sharing their glee with their critique barrage on all social media platforms...about everything LFC based....Just enjoy it whilst it lasts, because...

    THIS PERFECT STORM CANNOT LAST...and just remember....

    Form is temporary, class is permanent.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Great post Bob.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Belter post.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Great post BOBPAISLEYFAN

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    You said a lot of things in there which have been exactly my thoughts.
    The lack of fans is having the biggest effect. Imagine the game yesterday with a full Anfield. it would have been very different. The ref hardly had a look at the screen for the penalty decision..things like that. Jordan Pickford under massive pressure in front of the kop, and the support for our lads. And yet it's true, games feel like sterile training sessions.
    I do believe that the mentality monster phenomenon of the last two or three years has exhausted the players. Our injuries have have prevented much rotation. And worst of all the fans are not there to lift the team.
    I am very disappointed with a lot of the posts on here, especially during match day...Salah is shit, Bobby is shit, Gini is shit, thiago is shit, Rhys williams is shit, Kabak is shit (FFS). Even one bellend poster saying Mane is shit and should be dropped or sold.
    Of course i want us to finish top four and play in next years champions league. But many seem to think that the biggest worry is that we won't attract Mbappe if we are not in the CL. I couldn't care less about that. In fact I think I would prefer us to sign some player that i don't rate or have hardly heard of and find that Klopp and the staff and the culture have turned him into a world beater.



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