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Thread: Mental illness?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Mental illness?

    I came across this article recently, it explains very well, almost perfectly in parts things I have tried to explain here, where those afflicted by adverse CBT go into projection or denial and assume either I'm thinking or saying/writing things for reasons they would or that I'm bullshitting
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    One thing that is really disturbing about this, is there is a very distinct possibility and high level of probability that numerous psychiatrists and doctors may have, through ignorance, killed far more people than Harold Shipman

    Hypomania is essentially low level bipolar disorder, that for the fortunate, may never develop into full blown manic psychotic episodes or severe depressions. Such episodes may develop in people when they otherwise would not have through severe trauma or periods of sustained abuse.

    Following severe episodes they may otherwise not have had, they are frequently and correctly diagnosed as bipolar, however, insufficient examination and exploration of the history of their condition frequently sees Doctor's and Psychiatrists prescribe them strong anti psychotic or anti mania drugs. These drugs all carry a warning that they may increase the risk of suicide or cause suicidal thoughts.

    If a person has been mostly hypomanic their entire life and that has been their 'normal' state and the more severe bipolar episodes have only come about through severe trauma or sustained abuse, while it is absolutely necessary for them to be prescribed these drugs to alleviate full blown mania, to continue prescribing them after the full blown manic episode has been alleviated and taking away their lifelong 'normal' through that process, is truly 'One flew over the Cuckoos nest', 'Nurse Ratchet' territory.

    They've probably killed 1,000's
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The other disturbing aspect of this is that there are probably a considerable number of people with low level bipolar disorder out there who have been incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD -

    In my teens I constantly acted out at school and disrupted the rest of the class, not because I had attention deficit, but because I had hypomania and got bored waiting for everyone else to get what it was they were teaching us
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    As one psychiatrist put it, Dr. Kessler said, "The goal in life is constant hypomania: you never sleep too much; you're on; you keep going."
    If only, I've probably been as close to that as anyone, hypomania has been my normal state most of the time, but you can't sustain being constantly hypomanic, you obviously get burn out and exhaustion, and that comes a lot quicker if you don't have enough alone time.

    I believe they may have mistakenly diagnosed numerous people as depressed when they have come from hypomanic episodes to a normal state, it has so many of the same symptoms. You feel physically and mentally exhausted and suddenly lose interest in and the ability to do things you have been very good at or enjoyed for long periods.

    I think a part of it is when there isn't goal related activity or any new or higher goals to aim for and that so the lack of those 2 things or either of them means the hypomania stops being fueled as that how it works, each little achievement and success drives you to aim for more goals and higher goals and fuels it.

    I remember writing marketing emails and doing edits for specific practices and businesses, they'd always taken me 3-5 minutes and I suddenly had a period, albeit short, when they were taking me 20-25 minutes or longer and I had brain fog and felt exhausted and was going to the bathroom at work and having 15-20 minute naps.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Claude from AFTV has sadly died over night. Apparently he's had mental health issues in the past and he was getting abuse online. No idea about his death but it's very sad too hear.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by ianlfc View Post
    Claude from AFTV has sadly died over night. Apparently he's had mental health issues in the past and he was getting abuse online. No idea about his death but it's very sad too hear.
    Probably not helped by being sacked by AFTV for a comment you can't get away with in this day and age, whilst a certain "other" person said something just as bad, yet nothing was said, nor done about it.

    I bet the sell out aka Robbie Lyle comes out with some faux tribute.

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