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Thread: European Superleague teams to be announced today

  1. #191
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The year is 2025 and Manchester Devils have just secured Kylian Mbappe on a 6 game contract from the latest Super League auction.

    I like reading twitter sometimes...... gives you a laugh at least.

  2. #192
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Large anti Super league banners being hung on the Shankly Gates apparently.
    Spion Kop have said they will remove their fantatsic and historic banners from the kop om matchdays.
    I think its time for Liverpool fans to step up where the owners have failed.
    A writer in the Guardian said if Klopp resigned live on air during his interview he would be immortal.

  3. #193
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGS View Post
    Yeah id say it matters as this ESL is not a done deal yet.

    I am guessing the ESL doesnt start for a few years ?

    Yanks love money like most business people but they hate negative PR.

    I know of a few overseas colleagues at work he "supports" Chelsea Juventus and Madrid so he is going to have a headache with this ����
    It was due to kick off in 2022.

    I honestly still don't believe the whole thing will still go through, and I'm stilly firmly of the position that this is al part of an elaborate negotiating tactic by the big 6 ( plus 6) to extract more concessions from UEFA and FIFA for better deals, and a bigger slice of the broadcasting rights pie.

    We're still in the "Everybody's bluffing and talking big and tough" stage of the process with lots more steps to go.

    Friday will really be telling if UEFA have the balls to cancel their premier competition and ban (at least 3 of the4) semi-finalists.
    Like, would they then just award PSG the title?
    That would be the quintessential definition of a tainted title if ever there was one.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  4. #194
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I think you might be right Crim.

    If the premier league have any balls they'd come out this week and say any team who plays in the ESL cannot play in the league ...but they wont so its an idle threat.

    One thing that could potentially stop this is clubs showing games on their own channels I mean with this BCD shite they have seen big viewing figures.

  5. #195
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    It's actually a difficult problem to solve. If you ask an Evertonian whether they believe they should be able to spend more money on players than Wigan, you'd be hard pressed to find one of them who says no.

    And so why do we have to subsidise Everton? It's part of the Pareto distribution that some teams will rise to the top at the expense of those below - people around the TV world simply prefer to watch LFC than Everton. We are earning their crust.

    I hate this Euro league idea. Sounds boring as hell. The league part of the Champions league is deathly boring. Something to get through. Give me the Premier league any day. At the end of the day I don't care that much about Juve or Barcelona. I want to win the Champions league to shit on Everton and Man U.

    The real problem is UEFA, who are a bunch of corrupt wankers. If this alliance of powerful clubs can be used to lessen their grip on football then it will be worth the threat.

  6. #196
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    Sep 2006
    Hard to stomach Neville prattling on about integrity on MNF when his lot were handed half of what they won by pure bent officiating and we're minus 12 points we should have this season for the same reason

    The FA looked at the Prickford incident, replays show beyond any reasonable doubt that he very clearly takes his eyes completely off the ball, focuses them on Van Dijk and deliberately fouls him, their decision was not to take retrospective action, I've also watched the replay several times and Van Dijk is very clearly not offside in the incident either
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #197
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    Apr 2009
    Klopp's fuming can tell he's a bit emotional about it too, hasn't been told much apparently, and only yesterday.

    Feel sorry for him and the lads tbh

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Yep it’s a very difficult situation. He has a game to prepare for and all of the focus is on something beyond his control and against his football principles

  9. #199
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    Apr 2009
    Gary Neville on Arsenal and Spurs:

    “I would rather watch the champions of San Marino than those two at the moment. I don’t know have they’ve wangled that. They’re a joke.”

    I'm starting to like Neville haha

    Say what you want but he's been spot on what he's said with carra, and you can tell both are generally gutted about this, as everyone that loves the sport should be, apart from deluded idiots that can't see the bigger picture, or mentally incapable, .I.E those that are crying about VAR so it's good this is happening


  10. #200
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    Unfortunately I've had more serious issues to deal with, but just to add my tuppence worth, this proposed 'Super League' is obviously a very bad thing for football, however those in charge of these clubs must surely have known what the reaction would have been to such a proposal, and as such I think that there is a good chance that this is just posturing from the involved clubs in order to get a bigger slice of the pie that already exists.

    Given this latest outrage (never mind the furlough, ticket prices, and trying to trademark "Liverpoool" debacles) if anyone still thinks that FSG are good (never mind great) owners, I'm sorry to say that no amount of 'head wobbling' will sort out whatever is going on in that space between their ears.

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