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Thread: Your team v Man United

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGS View Post
    Come on mate Fabinho cant just let the lad have a free shot at goal from 15 yards out !

    Like all players they have strengths/weaknesses but the facts are since he has been in midfield our form/results have picked up.

    Leeds/Newcastle he is at CB we drop 4 points in those games.
    It's how we play with Alisson in goal, it's how Virgil and Matip do it and part of the reason we conceded 7 v Villa with so many deflected because Adrian was in goal

    Alisson has incredible reflexes and positioning, when we have our full compliment, what our defenders do is close the player down in a way that he only has a very limited area of the goal to aim at, make sure Big Bear isn't unsighted and they NEVER flash a leg at the ball or slide in attempting last second blocks because they trust that if they have restricted the area of the goal the player has to aim at and made the angles well enough, then 95% of the time Alisson will save any shot and is more likely to get beaten by them flashing a leg at the ball or attempting a block late that might deflect their effort, that is how we defend with Alisson in goal.

    For Newcastle's leveler the positions of Kabak and Fab meant their lad could only shoot straight at or slightly to either side of Alisson, he might have hit it hard enough to beat him with the sheer pace of the shot, but more likely that Big bear saves it 9 times out of 10, so why do something different and risk deflecting it past him leaving him helpless? They'd both done their job as we defend with Alisson in goal up to that point, give him the chance to make the frickin save, the look on Big Bears face said it all, he knew the lad couldn't put it in either corner, it was the same "What the fuck did you do that for" look he gave Fab when he tugged back Barnes v Burnley causing Big Bear to concede the pen, another situation he felt he was well in control of until a another stupid charging in like a bull in a fucking China shop moment from Fab, another goal he cost us

    Fab needs to start reading the game a lot better, and being more proactive and better positioned and aware of where he needs to be positioned through that and stop fucking charging into situations like a bull in a fucking China shop looking to leave one on players, he does far too little of the first part and far far too much of the latter part.
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 25th April 2021 at 01:56 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGS View Post
    Come on mate Fabinho cant just let the lad have a free shot at goal from 15 yards out !

    Like all players they have strengths/weaknesses but the facts are since he has been in midfield our form/results have picked up.

    Leeds/Newcastle he is at CB we drop 4 points in those games.
    Fab at CB is clearly not working. Klopp is Rafa stubborn when it comes to this... obviously it could be that Williams is so shit he feels that there's not another choice. I think buying Kabak and a.n.other will sort this out - VVD/ Gomez/ Matip will be future injury risks from now on. And I also agree with Michael Owen's statement that Salah and Mane are not "natural" finishers. We've had a few like Owen: Suarez, Torres, Fowler - and Salah and Mane are not nearly as clinical which is one of our biggest failings this season.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I'm revising my line up to 4312


    Trent Phillips Kabak Robertson

    Thiago Fabinho Wijnaldum


    Salah Mane

    Every time we play 433 Shaw has Mo in his pocket, and we seem ti insist on Mane continually trying to beat Wan Bissaka, who is very good one v one, both also like to get forward, I think we need to try and be smart and line up 4312, but the 2 up top will play with a lot of movement and variation and there should always be one more central and one pulling wider to their more usual position and we should always leave one up even when we're having to defend

    What we do know about the filthy is both full backs now get forward, Shaw more than Wan Bissaka, so Mo should probably be the one central more frequently with Mane in his more usual position, coming into the centre quickly when Mo goes wide right or inside right.

    If we start like this and don't play Mo up against Shaw, Shaw will more likely go forward more, and we can look to release Mo with balls over the top down our right and him making inside out runs from centre to right when we win the ball and Shaw is forward.

    Wan Bissaka is an absolutely excellent defender in one v ones, we need to exploit how poor he is when he's isolated 2v1 with another player quickly joining to make it a 3v1 as he is absolutely useless in these situations when teams try to quickly get 2 or 3 in his area and pass and move around him, we always seem to make the mistake of having Mane always trying to take him on and playing to Wan Bissaka's strengths

    Ball zipped into Mane's feet and a quick lay off to the onrushing Robbo and an immediate spin and look to run in behind by Mane with the one or Gini quickly joining to be the player for Robbo to find to release Mane. Wan Bissaka is useless when you get players around him like this

    Mo should always be upfield for me, looking to make those runs into the space behind Shaw or for balls over the top to get in a foot race with Maguire

    The other things they aren't good at is balls played in from deep early in behind their 2 CBs when we have runners, like Robbo's ball for Mo's goal v City last season and they absolutely suck at balls played/crossed early into the box recycled from clearances or when it's played back to a player such as Trent or Robbo when the forward has run the ball to the line wide, both their CB's come too far across, need a runner from far post to centre and one from centre just inside/outside the box to between penalty spot and near post for these situations

    they are piss weak and very doable and exploitable in all these situations and we have exactly the players we need to exploit them
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #24
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    Sep 2006
    They also look to get a lot of players around the area where the ball is when pressing and are hugely susceptible to switches from one flank to the other, Leipzig absolutely destroyed them with switches to knock them out of the Champions League, either flank to flank, on center to flank, quickly back to centre first time to the opposite flank
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #25
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    Sep 2006
    I'm 100% certain I very briefly met old big nose Rashford once, I'd guess he'd have been 13 or 14 at the time, it was 2010/2011 I believe, I'd often go to Plattfields Park with my ball, and play keepy ups and practice running with the ball and finishing techniques there and quite frequently, kids or other people of all ages, some obviously in their late fifties or early 60's would approach me and try and get me involved in a game with them.

    There was an area near a skate park bit that had a 8 or 9 foot high green metal fence around it I regularly used to practice finishing techniques, I would stand 14-18 yards from it and repeatedly absolutely smash the ball into what had the fence been a goal would have been the top left or right corner with either foot, first time of one touch from each time it came back to me for hours too and maybe miscue and actually send the ball over the fence only once or twice in that entire time. Sometimes I'd be doing it, in my own little world and suddenly realise I had a small audience watching me in awe at the precision and consistency I smashed the ball into the top corner with either foot

    On one of these occasions, just as I was leaving, a young lad, 13 or 14 with 2 or 3 mates with him came up to me just as I was about to leave and asked me if I would join them in a game, I apologised and explained I was just going home for my tea. I'm absolutely certain it was old big nose, I've got really strong face recognition and the shape of his face and that big nose, well, it's unmistakable
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Have you always lived in Manchester? Is that where you're from?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by teesred View Post
    Have you always lived in Manchester? Is that where you're from?
    No, i grew up in a tiny rural village near Blackpool, moved to South London working for bands when i was 18 and lives there, when i was there for 14 years, then moved to Manc when i was 32 and lived there for 10 years until the workplace abuse caused my low level happy productive hypomania to escalate into the mother of full blown manic episodes, left me with severe PTSD and incapacitated me, pretty much permanently

    Still, ive seen and done so many incredible things to incredible levels through my unique mixture of mental conditions before those Manc pricks wrecked my life, so the 24 years i had of that is something i'll always be thankful for, i've been very blessed and lucky in some ways

    I'd give anything to be able to get back to being happy highly productive hypomanic, but i can't, i used to be able to rest somehow and go again and get back there, but the PTSD element has broken that irrevocable

    That's why i loathe all Mancs and want our lads to absolutely destroy them whenever we play them, they're just the foulest cunt of a breed of people ever imaginable
    Last edited by Nineteenx; 26th April 2021 at 05:01 PM.
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    The Fax
    Ha ha brilliant 19. You’ve certainly got some very “believable” stories in that fucked up brain of yours.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by LFC-DPG View Post
    Ha ha brilliant 19. You’ve certainly got some very “believable” stories in that fucked up brain of yours.
    I don't indulge in making up stories, I have long understood that normally wired people, who have spent a lifetime bullshitting and making things up to mask their incredible deficiencies and limited capacity, assume other people who, through their mental make up, and in part through an accident, who have levels of drive, focus and intensity they could never ever reach, assume such people are doing the same thing they have been doing their entire lives

    There is a NYT article entitle 'Hypomanic, but oh so productive' that gives a bit of insight into it

    However, I don't only have hypomania, I also have acquired savants syndrome following a severe head trauma aged 19, not to suddenly becoming a mathematical genius or being able to play an instrument I'd never played before in my life degree, but to a relatively high degree across several things I had relatively limited ability at prior to my accident and enhanced ability at things I was already very good at, which I have had confirmed by the leading professor in the field of acquired savants as I contacted him about it.

    I also have a very smart form of autism, my brain recognises important and vital information for me and best practice, technique and logistical things, I don't have to try to be good at those things, my head works them out for me and stores them without my having to work them out of think about them. The autism also gives me incredible focus, dive and single mindedness in working at things that spike my interest

    Normally wired people do not have a chance in hell at competing with a person with productive hypomania at anything, the hypomanic will absolutely wipe the floor with all of them, all day, every day, that's why the bitter Manc cunts ran me out of a job to get their hands on my renewal commissions, because i was earning more than all of them put together. never mind having any chance of reaching the levels of performance, intensity, focus and achievement of a person with hypomania, smart autism and acquired savants

    I don't expect any normal person to believe most of what I tell them, because what I have been able to do as a result of my mix of mental conditions in my life and in things I have put all my focus and dedication into, just isn't possible for them to do, so they think it is impossible for anyone else to
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Well - most of us love you either way 19... Doubt anyone agrees with everything you say - but that is the same for everyone and the whole point of a forum.

    You’re a total one off, and the world needs more individuals. Far too many sheep already.

    No need to justify yourself.

    I do think LFC-DPG is just joking with you though mate.

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