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Thread: Euro 2020

  1. #2411
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by skyebo View Post
    I'm the opposite I only watch football, no idea how they do in other sports.
    England fans of other sports don’t make you want to poke your eyes out with their constant bullshit and singing about something coming home…

  2. #2412
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by justme View Post
    That should have said I don't fall

    Skyebo, I like seeing England/GB people winning at the Olympics. I use to be a huge cricket fan. but the test team is so pathetically shit now. I hardly bother. I like other sports too. But they tend to be sporadic
    I know what you mean.

  3. #2413
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SydneyLFC View Post
    I think I've made position clear, CCTV. I'm not going to debate someone who denies not just the obvious but countless reports about this subject: (i.e. Macpherson's report re: Stephen Lawrence & Metropolitan Police, the government's own Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, CIPD's many reports on racism and employment etc., repots about judicial sentencing, parole reports... the very fact that there's an Equality Act (2010). Only someone ignorant or/and a bigot would argue otherwise.
    Well I can understand your reticence about debating, whilst not knowing much about your specific views emanating from this held position.
    As proposed the same analysis of economic disparity utilised by BLM advocates, is not really one people on the BLM side tend to want to discuss outside of Black & White.
    They dont want to be seen (few exceptions) to be using the exact same arguments with respect to the disparity between jews and the average, or between chinese/Indian and black/Pakistani as another example.
    The Jewish disparity would disrupt their smears of nazi so best ignored and similarly the indian/Chinese trumping and black/pakistani struggling relative to whites doesn't support a system of white supremacy/privilige.
    In such instances things are best ignored due to dissonance. Also people dont like dealing with difficult issues as it is a dirty business and often people are put in a position of choosing between less than ideal positions.
    Stop and search being a good example whereby by targeting males, of a certain age group and disproportionately those of certain races you can reduce nasty crimes. It would be more socially just to have police services stop and searching every age group equally, each sex/gender cohort, each race group equally.
    But doing so means you will more likely waste resources stopping people least likely to be committing criminal activity. So then you see a spike in crime and stabbings say as a result. It's a trade of between ideal purity and effective policing.
    I want to see 65 year old granny's targeted as much as younger males. Means you catch less of those carrying knives. So whilst stop and search is dubbed bigotry, removing it also seems to be predictive of increased stabbings, associated sentencing and deaths.

    It's good to get some reference points, but it's a bit odd to be saying bigotry whilst citing works spear headed by Trevor Philips and labour at that time, when its his documentary I posted earlier. I really dont mind the accusation it just seems a little odd. It's his critique of his work that is the foundation for his piece.
    Similarly there are plenty of examples in the other direction. The labour government whilst conducting these works were simultaneously suppressing the grooming gangs scandal for at least a decade.
    Conducting a review into institutional racism whilst having their institutions suppressing racially motivated crimes in the wrong direction for their ideology.

    In terms of criminal justice I would accept that much of what is attributed to racism is often actually a matter of class, where class is the confounding variable. It's quite accepted that the better paid in society tend to have higher IQ and as such tend to be less likely to be convicted by judges, due to a lesser chance of commiting said crime or getting caught. Considerations are made under these guidelines in parole, personally when it comes to serious crime I like the adage of serious time.

    It'll be interesting to see or know how these reports control for ses status and other demographic characteristics. Because from what I've seen so far, much of the systemic racism claims in terms of data analysis is explained by class.
    So in terms of the UK I would look at the 3 top groups and wonder if Jews, Chinese and Indians are again the main perceived beneficiaries of alleged systemic white supremacy.

    You know it's actually quite prudent to take the devils advocate position, steelman your opposite position in rigorously testing claims. So in that sense this idea of only a bigot or ignorant would argue is rather redundant imo. If anything it will further the reliability of claims imo.

  4. #2414
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    What in the name of god are you talking about.

  5. #2415
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    Well I can understand your reticence about debating, whilst not knowing much about your specific views emanating from this held position.
    As proposed the same analysis of economic disparity utilised by BLM advocates, is not really one people on the BLM side tend to want to discuss outside of Black & White.
    They dont want to be seen (few exceptions) to be using the exact same arguments with respect to the disparity between jews and the average, or between chinese/Indian and black/Pakistani as another example.
    The Jewish disparity would disrupt their smears of nazi so best ignored and similarly the indian/Chinese trumping and black/pakistani struggling relative to whites doesn't support a system of white supremacy/privilige.
    In such instances things are best ignored due to dissonance. Also people dont like dealing with difficult issues as it is a dirty business and often people are put in a position of choosing between less than ideal positions.
    Stop and search being a good example whereby by targeting males, of a certain age group and disproportionately those of certain races you can reduce nasty crimes. It would be more socially just to have police services stop and searching every age group equally, each sex/gender cohort, each race group equally.
    But doing so means you will more likely waste resources stopping people least likely to be committing criminal activity. So then you see a spike in crime and stabbings say as a result. It's a trade of between ideal purity and effective policing.
    I want to see 65 year old granny's targeted as much as younger males. Means you catch less of those carrying knives. So whilst stop and search is dubbed bigotry, removing it also seems to be predictive of increased stabbings, associated sentencing and deaths.

    It's good to get some reference points, but it's a bit odd to be saying bigotry whilst citing works spear headed by Trevor Philips and labour at that time, when its his documentary I posted earlier. I really dont mind the accusation it just seems a little odd. It's his critique of his work that is the foundation for his piece.
    Similarly there are plenty of examples in the other direction. The labour government whilst conducting these works were simultaneously suppressing the grooming gangs scandal for at least a decade.
    Conducting a review into institutional racism whilst having their institutions suppressing racially motivated crimes in the wrong direction for their ideology.

    In terms of criminal justice I would accept that much of what is attributed to racism is often actually a matter of class, where class is the confounding variable. It's quite accepted that the better paid in society tend to have higher IQ and as such tend to be less likely to be convicted by judges, due to a lesser chance of commiting said crime or getting caught. Considerations are made under these guidelines in parole, personally when it comes to serious crime I like the adage of serious time.

    It'll be interesting to see or know how these reports control for ses status and other demographic characteristics. Because from what I've seen so far, much of the systemic racism claims in terms of data analysis is explained by class.
    So in terms of the UK I would look at the 3 top groups and wonder if Jews, Chinese and Indians are again the main perceived beneficiaries of alleged systemic white supremacy.

    You know it's actually quite prudent to take the devils advocate position, steelman your opposite position in rigorously testing claims. So in that sense this idea of only a bigot or ignorant would argue is rather redundant imo. If anything it will further the reliability of claims imo.
    Look, we’re going to have to agree to disagree. You’re not getting the concept.

    Stop and search statistics show those of the BAME community are more likely to be stopped than the Caucasians.

    You should watch the interview between Paul Collier and Mehdi Hasan. It’s actually quite amusing how the “high IQ Level” “high Paid” “high class’ society members think about immigrants.

    Plus, footballers are “better paid” and some of them are as thick as mud, so technically not a factual statement regarding IQ

  6. #2416
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    Go onto a Facebook page which hunts paedophiles. There’s a higher percentage of white groomers than Asians. Again, be sucked in by what the media wants you to believe without doing research.

    Some of the racist posts on the black footballers have been “educated individuals” ffs, rRashford even exposed a school teacher for posting monkey emojis on his dm’s.

    And to answer one of your questions, yes Ireland is better than England
    Without doing research of an unnamed
    facebook page?
    While I commend these vigilantes who operate sting live streams for their efforts, (even where machiavellian reward is involved, the ends are good) are you stating they are uncovering grooming gangs and not paedophiles.

    My suspicion here is that your using one type of noncery to dispute another type of noncery stat.
    Like using organised terror attacks v lone wolf ones.
    Like I say irish commit more organised terror attacks you say no English people have a higher murder rate.

    I would imagine noncery and a predisposition is relatively even among races, which is why the multiple over representation in one group was so evidently not a natural occurrence in the grooming gangs.
    I wonder what controls were utilised by these vigilante groups to conclude such a disproportionately, whatever that was ?

    I'd imagine they set out to catch nonces and might not have set out the best controls for validating the claims you suggest they have made. Bait used, demographics of user bases of platforms employed..
    As much of the reports around the grooming gangs were pointing out that it was just in that specific type of crime that such a significant disparity occurred.

    I've posted numerous times the public's ratings of trust in the media being the lowest of all public agencies. Lower than priests, police, politicians, doctors, teachers.
    Though there is a propensity for left wingers, stronger in america to believe the/their media.
    Funnily enough it was glen Greenwald who I saw recently talking about how in America the lefties now have such a strong support of the fbi and cia intelligence !!
    On their side with hillary against trump (assange)

    Well, I'm not surpised. Give us back our builders...

  7. #2417
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You don't hear much about meta tarsal injuries these days do you?

  8. #2418
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post

    I've posted numerous times the public's ratings of trust in the media being the lowest of all public agencies. Lower than priests, police, politicians, doctors, teachers.
    Though there is a propensity for left wingers, stronger in america to believe the/their media.
    Funnily enough it was glen Greenwald who I saw recently talking about how in America the lefties now have such a strong support of the fbi and cia intelligence !!
    On their side with hillary against trump (assange)

    Well, I'm not surpised. Give us back our builders...
    That's weird.

    Because I recently read somewhere that there's a propensity for right wingers to believe in sky fairy spirit gods, and chubby fluffy haired bombastic carnival-barker -type politicians.
    So what's your point?

    To wit:

    Things Right wingers believe : -

    "When we leave the EU, Britain and the NIH will get back £350 Million back into their coffers that they pay daily to Brussels."

    "When I become president I will build a wall on the Mexican border and Mexico will pay for it.
    I will also release my taxes. In full."

    "You will build an ark and inside it, you will somehow fit in all billion-something species of all animal life on the planet to save them from a flood that will cover the planet for 40 days, and they will survive the journey somehow without devouring each other despite their natural positions relative to each other on the food chain cycle."

    "You can boo footballers peacefully protesting racism on the field, and there will be no fallout whatsoever from such an action"

    I read it all in some 4,000 year old book written by some Bronze age farmers.
    So it must be true.

    Was also on my uncle's Facebook page too, so that definitely seals it, because he's never wrong.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  9. #2419
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffydd View Post
    You don't hear much about meta tarsal injuries these days do you?
    I think Beckham was the first one to suffer from it if you believed what was said. What a circus that was.

  10. #2420
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    Look, we’re going to have to agree to disagree. You’re not getting the concept.

    Stop and search statistics show those of the BAME community are more likely to be stopped than the Caucasians.

    You should watch the interview between Paul Collier and Mehdi Hasan. It’s actually quite amusing how the “high IQ Level” “high Paid” “high class’ society members think about immigrants.

    Plus, footballers are “better paid” and some of them are as thick as mud, so technically not a factual statement regarding IQ
    Naturally enough they do, major crime is associated with citys. Inequality is higher in cities. London is a huge crime market.
    London has a huge bame population and the people who are getting stabbed/stabbing tend to be more likely bame males within a predictable age group.
    The reality seems to be if you stop targeting inner city violence, you get more violence.
    That's why I brought stop and search up as a difficult issue, do you want some Chinese granny living in the sticks being searched for knives or do you want to see males in areas where stabbing occurs to be the strategy.
    One has a pure equality at its core, the other derives better results by realising the characteristics of violence.
    Policing is more misogynistic than racist, prison populations the same.
    Is it unfair that women would be more afraid of being raped by a man than a woman ?
    Those bigots think men rape more than women because that's what happens.

    I said "it's quite accepted that the better paid in society tend to have higher IQ" - college admissions for the best paid jobs tend to have the highest academic requirements.

    Footballers are given contracts based on their football ability, their physical traits are what sets them apart. They dony get the contracts based on IQ tests, not to smear footballers as necessarily thick.
    There are a few other jobs where the trend is bucked too.
    That doesn't negate the trend. IQ predicts income.
    It doesn't correlate with morality.



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