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Thread: The Heart of Football

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    There are wankers on both sides as with any debate or argument to be fair eggy.

    The thing about this particular scenario is that neither side really know anything for sure, it’s only history that will tell us which side was baying at the moon.

    I don’t take it as my duty however, to change everyone’s mind in this or any other major debate such as Brexit, to my way of thinking … because how could I possibly be wrong.
    I form my view having listened to both sides but don’t treat others with a contrary view to mine as morons who need me to educate them. If asked my opinion I am happy to give it and if necessary explain how that opinion was formed.

    I find those who insist on trying to convert everyone to their way of thinking somewhat annoying.
    Oh I definitely agree with you. I’m double jabbed myself and now that the vaccines are being rolled out to kids over here the conversation has moved to whether or not parents will get their kids vaxxed. I’m just not doing it until I absolutely have to I think at this stage. Not sure why but I feel there’s more to come out about all of this. If I’m teetering on the edge of conspiracy so be it. I’m not comfortable giving my kid these vaccines.
    The pro everything crowd of whom the population of Ireland is simply over run with these days take this stance as a personal affront. By all means vaccinate your kids away. I won’t say a word about it to anyone. Not doing mine yet no offence to them.

    94% vaccinated here yet it’s running fucking riot around the place and it’s all the unvaccinated’s fault. Give me a break.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Whatever all that is, it isn’t scientific or even reasonable.

    Things are getting pretty dire now in Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Croatia, Germany, France etc. The tyranny is catching on. That’s what people should be really scared of
    But what is the point or end game of this supposed tyranny. Dosent make sense either. I think it’s just money for pharma again.

  3. #33
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    Aug 2003
    It’s a real problem in society, the lack of opportunity for reasoned debate. Too many think the only way to win an argument is to personally attack those with a different view.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    There are wankers on both sides as with any debate or argument to be fair eggy.

    The thing about this particular scenario is that neither side really know anything for sure, it’s only history that will tell us which side was baying at the moon.

    I don’t take it as my duty however, to change everyone’s mind in this or any other major debate such as Brexit, to my way of thinking … because how could I possibly be wrong.
    I form my view having listened to both sides but don’t treat others with a contrary view to mine as morons who need me to educate them. If asked my opinion I am happy to give it and if necessary explain how that opinion was formed.

    I find those who insist on trying to convert everyone to their way of thinking somewhat annoying.
    Well said Miller. Fully agree with all of that.

  5. #35
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by eggy81 View Post
    But what is the point or end game of this supposed tyranny. Dosent make sense either. I think it’s just money for pharma again.
    The end game of tyranny is maintaining or increasing power for a class of people. What’s the end game for Kim Jong Un?

    As for Miller’s comments about both sides not knowing, I would say that isn’t what’s at issue here. Many credible voices are being silenced and the media is baying for more of all this lockdown and restriction. The politicians are now often doing what they think will make them look popular and that is controlled to a large degree by the media.

    Ask why doctors like the one in the clip above are not given airtime, why the whistleblower says the information is not released because they will lose their funding.

    These are medical scandals that would disgust us if we had any perspective on them. Even the facts he present in that clip are scandalous and there is much more injustice going on. The vaccines do not stop the spread - they don’t protect people from contact with the virus - we know this for certain - Gates himself said it in an interview recently - that means there is no rational for a vaccine passport. The issue should be closed.

  6. #36
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    The lack of reliable information is very worrying. I don’t think anyone has the right to force their opinion on anyone else because honestly, we really don’t know who’s right or wrong. As Miller said, only history will provide any answers.

    I’ve had my fair share of heart problems, and I’m double jabbed and having my booster on Monday. It’s terrifying that I’m advised to have the vaccine because of health issues, and yet those very vaccines could be making my problems worse.

    It’s going to be interesting to see some of these European countries enforce mandatory vaccinations. Personally, I don’t think it’s possible.
    I bet you can squeal like a pig!

  7. #37
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    This is from today

    It worth remembering that, whatever is right or wrong about covid and vaccines - there is untold suffering as a result of these policies.

    There are estimates from unicef of an extra 100 million people thrown into poverty in the third world and I think 10 million into starvation due to supply chain breakdown caused by lockdowns

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by southernboy View Post

    I’ve had my fair share of heart problems, and I’m double jabbed and having my booster on Monday. It’s terrifying that I’m advised to have the vaccine because of health issues, and yet those very vaccines could be making my problems worse.
    I find these comments poignant, southernboy. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been talking to many people facing similar dilemmas.

    The fact that you are not given all the information is not good enough as it means you can’t give informed consent. That is not acceptable.

  9. #39
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffydd View Post
    They may be running more and faster than in Kenny's day but they are not drinking or smoking as much!
    The no smoking or drinking is part of the professionalism. Training, recovery, sports science.....

    This bringing of players towards a peak of performance seems to have increased the odds of players breaking down.

  10. #40
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    It's because they push their hearts to the limit. Sir Steve Redgrave, by the time he had competed in four Olympics (or was it five), his heart was something like 3 times the normal size - can't remember the exact figure. But it meant that he had to keep training and very gradually reduce the strain so that heart could grow smaller. If he had stopped all of a sudden his heart may have stopped working.

    Offsetting the risk - if you mean protecting against? I'm not sure. It would be better to recognise that they aren't necessary
    That's interesting about the heart/Redgrave.

    Meant like a prescription or safety measure.



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