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Thread: The Heart of Football

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I'm all for the vaccine, I honestly think it will help If I get covid ,but that's were I draw the line.
    As If my country isn't fucked up enough they are now insisting on covid passports. Which you download an app to your phone which has your photo and your very own barcode.You need it to get into licenced premises So in other words your move is very easily monitored, what you spend and were you spend it. How on earth is that going to help me from getting the virus ?

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Given that the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, it won’t help you at all.

    But logic isn’t behind these policies. Something else is going on

  3. #103
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Given that the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, it won’t help you at all.

    But logic isn’t behind these policies. Something else is going on
    I've had two vaccines, both astra-zenica. The plant manufacturing astra-zenica, I've been informed, has been burned down.
    I might be wrong, but the only top-ups available are from companies making Billions out of the vaccines. I'm reluctant to have the booster for a number of reasons. I don't go out hardly at all, when I do I wear a mask and keep away from people as much as possible.
    One of my "fears" is that the next variant/mutation will require yet another booster, and the next, and the next, and so on until people end up having endless boosters. The government's handling of the pandemic, in my opinion, has been a shambles. It doesn't give me any confidence at all in their "guidance".

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I don’t understate the focus on profits. If we want a product, it’s good that profits are made as the company can reinvest and expand capacity to meet our demand.

    What we have now is the government spends vast amounts of our money whether we want vaccines or not - it goes to all the institutions involved in this drama - universities, transnational bodies like the WHO, and all the management and directors at a so called non profit organisations. In turn, all these bodies manipulate the government in a way that perpetuates their own biases and world view. Influential figures like Bill Gates can then give them huge donations under the guise of philanthropy and thereby indirectly influence our government policy and fleece our own savings and future prosperity to finance their agenda.

    Is that capitalism? Socialism? Crony capitalism? Who knows..

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    From SWPRS

    “Post-vaccination myocarditis may also affect athletes and may lead to sudden cardiac arrest. Since the beginning of the covid vaccination campaign, several hundred professional athletes collapsed or died from cardiac arrest or heart attacks. In several countries, cases of myocarditis have significantly increased during covid vaccination campaigns. Myocarditis, even if “mild” (i.e. self-limiting), may cause long-term heart issues.

    A study in mice found that if mRNA vaccine gets into a vein, the heart muscle absorbs the mRNA, starts producing coronavirus spike protein, gets attacked by the immune system, and develops inflammation and cell damage (i.e. myocarditis). This is likely what happens in humans, too, if the vaccine accidentally gets injected into a blood vessel instead of muscle cells.“

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    I don’t understate the focus on profits.
    Should say understand

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    There is one other mechanism - Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV) thinks that these vaccines will be toxic for those that are unvaccinated. He isn't the only virologist to make this claim. So that means those young people who are living with vaccinated people will be poisoned by them. It's something to do with shedding of the spike protein, but I can't claim to understand the concept.

    Anyway, I've been pouring over statistics for 2 years now (in a way that journalists, and many influential scientists for that matter, haven't) and I now realise it's a futile exercise. These policies are not only unscientific (aka nonsensical) but they are resistant to argument. Its alway possible to say 'but what if someone were to die' to any argument. Cancelling football is just one more sacrifice we have to make to the new god of total safety.

    The reason I still bother is in case someone were to read these thoughts and think 'maybe its time to bring an end to all this'.
    That first one is weird, not heard of that at all.
    I'm trying to imagine how and am wondering is that by excretion through the lungs ?
    A little like second hand smoking, only originating from the vaxxines.

    My optimistic outlook is that this continues to get less lethal and more transmissible. Omicron could be a vaccine itself and the end of the discussion.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The optimistic scenario is already happening. The thing we are not allowed to discuss is the basic truth that herd immunity is the solution and not the vaccines.

    And therein lies the problem.- if you are not allowed to discuss the truth, then that means there is not a discussion happening. You’re imagining all of this is logical and scientific. It is so far from that now that I decided in September that this whole thing is no longer about covid.

    If I’m right then we still have to discover what this whole thing is about.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    If the Omicron variant is mild in South Africa where only 25% are vaccinated, yet severe in Europe with 75% vaccinated then you've got to question the vaccine. Or just tell yourself it's summer there.

    There seems to be a surge in cases every time there's a surge in vaccination.

    Apart from the fact that the Omicron variant has traveled across the world and the only humans who can do that are the vaccinated.

    There is far more to this. I just hope it sees the light of day.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Jabbed people arent the only ones who can travel at all.

    You are pushing an anti vax agenda on a regular basis but you have not provided a soultion.

    There isnt a soultion as the WHOLE WORLD is struggling.

    Im currently sitting here with Covid yeah I wont die but its not what id call mild and last jab I had was July.

    Its horrible and I not wish it on anyone.



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