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Thread: The Heart of Football

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    It's an observation I have from watching sports, like football, rugby, gaelic football and hurling.
    Where professionalism has seen standards and conditioning rise to a point where players appear to break down more easily as a result of being brought to another pinnacle of performance.

    I'm not stating it does explain the alleged phenomena. Just a thought for consideration on the matter.
    Well if you're right then it doesn't say much for the alleged sports science.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Clubs will be looking out for players they are assets after all but sometimes these things happen.

    No chance a player in lower league would keep quiet as they could lose insurance money if they are no longer able to play.

    Wigan have said Wyke has an illness now that is vague comment but they cant say anything else without player permission.

    Players at top level are playing more games with more travel in less time Klopp has stated this millions of times but they wont give a sh*t until someone dies.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    All about money sadly, the player, the FA etc etc

    So nothing will change unless there's no loss of income for anyone.

    Greedy sad times we live in.

  4. #54
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    we have got to the stage where I don't trust that information anymore.
    You took your time Taskin, I haven't trusted the alleged trusted sources for 38 years, since I was 12 years old

    Media misinformation of so many different types and how it has affected people's judgement and how most accept what they are told and it becomes their belief is shocking put in context

    A great many people in the UK, consider Thatcher was a great Prime Minister and was an incredible success, it is frequently put forward as accepted common knowledge

    It doesn't take much analysis to show the devastatingly alarming effect our media, the alleged trusted sources have had on the population

    Her flagship policies were:
    Sale of council housing claiming we want to be a nation of home owners
    Privatisation of numerous entities claiming it would bring much needed investment, lead to improved services and lower bills

    All absolute monumental failures, not a single one of those flagship policies did what they promised to do and are the cause of a huge number of the issues the UK faces today

    That's why I desperately wanted to smack all the twats saying "Democracy must be respected" over a non binding Brexit referendum, because it's thick bastards like them who don't pay attention to whether or not democracy is respected and what they voted for has been delivered before voting for the same twats again because the media tells them to that have wrecked the fucking UK, not everyone else they and the media tries to blame it on, the cunts

    I've heard morons waxing lyrical about 'Boris trying to level us up' HELLO thick cunts, where's your HS2 and Northern Powerhouse the same Tory wankers promised you 10 years ago? Fucking morons
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  5. #55
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    Apr 2007

    The reports I was not believing were very narrow - claims that Erikson was not vaccinated. In the past, even the recent past, a report like that could be taken on face value - indeed, our whole system of law is based on the reliability of such testimony. Not anymore - something has gone very wrong when any subject is politicised. And covid / vaccines are now very politicised, so science has been sacrificed.

    I spent a few hours using government statistics to analyse the big covid deaths chart that was all over the news earlier this year. The big red curve. That was a fake graph, almost certainly. But I showed that by taking figures off the ONS website. Something has to be true.

  6. #56
    Join Date
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  7. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffydd View Post
    Well if you're right then it doesn't say much for the alleged sports science.
    How so, they are maximising output and monitor players very well.
    Just an impression I have, not certain on the matter, but by reaching a maximum load to increase performance it runs the risk of more injuries.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    How so, they are maximising output and monitor players very well.
    Just an impression I have, not certain on the matter, but by reaching a maximum load to increase performance it runs the risk of more injuries.
    The sudden recent rise in cardiac events suggests the monitoring could be better.

    Increasing the odds of players breaking down doesn't seem like good science to me.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffydd View Post
    The sudden recent rise in cardiac events suggests the monitoring could be better.

    Increasing the odds of players breaking down doesn't seem like good science to me.
    True, it is a new issue for teams to monitor.

    If my impression is correct I'd put it like this, you want the maximum output for performance. But in reaching this level of performance you load the body to its limit and run a risk of pushing too far.

    In previous eras with a less professional emphasis you were fit and good footballers. But today incremental gains and professionalism has players running far more distance in 90 mins with more top end sprinting. The trade off comes with you pushing it to that limit.

    Hurling is a good example for me over here, in 95 a clare side were rated as having pushed the fitness levels to a new peak. Today I'd wager every team is fitter.
    Rugby is another one where the average back (small guy) is weighing on average about the same as a forward (the bigguns) of yesteryear.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I’m not sure if you’re both thinking the recent deaths are due to over-training?
    The likely cause of the increase in mortality seems to be the vaccines. The reason it seems to be affecting the athletes is because they are young and their hearts are pushed hard. But there are also many amateur distance runners and the like who are dropping dead. They are not subject to Jurgen’s trining regimes and physical demands. Just very active and young

    Even with Aguero, it probably isn’t enough to say he has some cardiac issues. If so he has cardiac issues, high levels of athletic activity and plus the vaccines



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