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Thread: Is world war 3 about to kick off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Is world war 3 about to kick off?


    Various reports saying russia do intend to invade very soon ukraine that is obvs

    And never a good sign with country's saying to any citizens there to get out quick

    we are liverpool football club, not fucking norwich.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    They could at least wait until the seasons over.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Good luck if it comes down to needing people to fight, they've spent 40 years trying to destroy every last ounce of solidarity and community spirit that saw the UK through both previous world wars
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Putin's mob are going into the Ukraine to smash the Khazarian Mafia's massive child and drug trafficking operations.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Nothing will happen, it's just more fear porn and the West are desperately trying to get off on it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Well I think it's fair to say that Putin has lost the element of surprise now!

    But seriously, kick off after kick off has been postponed, Wednesday..., Sunday..., happy days

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    Good luck if it comes down to needing people to fight, they've spent 40 years trying to destroy every last ounce of solidarity and community spirit that saw the UK through both previous world wars
    This is a great point. 👍

    People voted brexit thinking we'd be OK because of that Churchillian Spirit. Totally forgetting that most of today's youth would rather have everything handed to them rather than work, most of them can't read or write and would rather film someone on fire than be bothered to piss on them.

    It really is a depressing state of affairs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Since the outbreak of Covid from Wuhan, I believe a lab originating virus, there's been some fascinating stuff going on.

    The Russia Ukraine situation is one where the west has over reached. Breaching post cold war agreements. The German led eu/ee has returned to expansion through the lebensraum region. The US led Nato has followed suit and sought to take the crimean peninsula away from Russias military.
    Russia in short has its red lines akin to the Cuban missile crisis. If it escalates the potential impacts are frightening.
    Surely mutually assured destruction should see some sense emerge.

    Bidens admin provoked afghanis/taliban by delaying the withdrawal date initially. Then botched the withdrawal in a last ditch media campaign to get public support.
    Moving on to Russia seems a bit much in terms of a task but it has served the interests of distraction.

    The Durham investigation has barely made it into the mainstream. A sensational story beyond watergate.
    With flailing public support creating a conflict might be good for the midterms. Maximising the last 2 minutes of tds hatred to drive turnout. With trump banned from the global tech monopolies its been difficult to get the tds energy going.

    It's a good time for distraction for other wef partners, the build back better clan. Truds in Canada needs some assistance having invoked emergency powers to squash protests, completely contradicting himself compared with his position on protests approved by the fusion of corporate & state, wef and her lackeys.

    Bojo too needs some distraction as many of the public are irate - seeing as the lockdown rules and trampling of human rights which they complied with were not complied with by all . I find this rage a little peculiar as there was complicity on their part in abiding by rules and powers the state shouldn't have had.

    Bill Gates sadly sees the demand for vaxxines dither to a halt as supply has reached a nauseating over abundance. Stock sales might lead one to think that this hold of power is also done.

    With freedom breaking out, people refusing a booster every so many weeks and a desire to return to our old normal as opposed to he wefsnew normal. It does appear that there's a need for a new fear.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by jozza800 View Post
    This is a great point. 👍

    People voted brexit thinking we'd be OK because of that Churchillian Spirit. Totally forgetting that most of today's youth would rather have everything handed to them rather than work, most of them can't read or write and would rather film someone on fire than be bothered to piss on them.

    It really is a depressing state of affairs.
    Communist subversion, increased diversity and millions of aborted brits does tend to detract from the national spirit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Oh and macron has an election coming up too and those yellow vests are more popular than him.
    Could see him being spun as the great peace deal broker.

    Been good for wef too as they've shut down any talk on China and that protects alot of manufacturing and research interests of theirs.
    Remember how at the start of the pandemic one of the obvious issues was returning manufacturing to Western nations.

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