Originally Posted by
It was a post you made on here about ww3 breaking out over his killing/murder.
It led me to believe you were using twitter for your foreign policy trends.
Not me, the question marks were because I didn't have any recognition or recollection of what you were talking about
On my comments about Trump, Johnson, Putin and the NHS
I don't know where you are based but wherever it is there is something about the Tory party in the UK you don't seem to understand
There absolutely ultimate goal, their winning the Premier League or Champions League is the full privatisation of the NHS and moving everyone to an insurance based system like the US with those who can't afford it having to rely on charity, even though, as with most other privatised public services, their taxes are paying for the service
In all the Brexit negotiations Tory ministers and negotiators met with major US healthcare and insurance providers about the privatising of the NHS as part of a US/UK trade deal numerous time, even going as far as providing them with all our NHS patient records in preparation
The other health related issue that surfaced during Brexit negotiations was Trump, by his own words from his own big mouth, talking about the EU needing to pay the same rip off prices for medication that US citizens do, the beginnings of his planned trade war on the EU was the privatisation of our NHS and it paying the same astronomical prices for drugs as US citizens - If you weren't aware, it has long been the price negotiated between the US and UK for drugs that has set the price for the rest of Europe
If you follow the thread and put all the pieces together and pay attention it is blatantly obvious what was happening. Putin and Russia did interfere the the Eu referendum, 2 UK elections and the US election, it is a benefit to them if the UK is not in the EU, especially as our Gov has been so obliging in letting them wash their dirty stolen money through the UK in return for donations, a US EU trade war with the UK as a pawn in it, as it would have been had Trump been re-elected is obviously of considerable benefit to Russia also
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”