It's a logical assumption. Contradicted by evidence. The azov battalion are still part of Ukraines forces.
In 2018 iirc, US house of reps voted to prevent military aid being used to arm, fund or train Azov Batallion.
You might ask why this was stipulated.
In 2022, Nato removes tweet posted on international woman's day after the Internet points out those stunning and brave lasses are donning nazi symbols and a part of Azov.
As said the taliban were strange bedfellows for the yanks. Did they side with the taliban when providing them with arms ?
I'd suggest yes, providing weapons to one side in a conflict counts as siding with those peoples.
If you think arming a party to fight your enemy, counts as siding with them.
Then you have evidence for Azov/Nazis being sided with via the supply of munitions.
If that's not enough for you, you might want to set what would count as siding with them
Tbh you sound like Fox News. Trying to polarise everything and avoiding any shred of nuance.
I suppose you reckon Corbyn was antisemitic as well.
What would I count as siding with Nazis? I dunno, sharing a similar core ideology for a start. If you want to take "siding with" at face value to mean "faced a common enemy during a conflict", then yes, there's an awful lot of that going on. But that's a propaganda tool the likes of Putin will use to encourage people to believe things that are fundamentally not true.
I think you're projecting
Why make assumptions and bring in Corbyn.
Here's what I've said about the UK elections:
the amount of islamophobia and antisemitism accusations were embarrassing to see. Stupid stuff. Political smear games.
Jeremy's reply to charges of Antisemitism in that interview where he said, but islamophobia, was car crash pr.
Nuance can develop along a conversation.
So far I've added nuance to your but he's a jew stance.
I've added the nuance by providing the year in which the US House of representatives voted to prevent Azov/Nazis being armed - further.
I've added Nato in 2022 removing their post after people pointed to the nazi/azov battalions nazi symbols.
I added nuance by saying that war makes strange bedfellows.
If you like nuance, maybe refrain from saying not a shred of evidence.
Propaganda around this war from what I've seen, is largely a western thing.
Because it's a similar thing. Smear campaign that people end up parroting. Reminded me of the whole fiasco.
Lol. My "but he's a Jew" stance? Ok. I said what I wanted to say. If people want to play devil's stupid fucking nephew and bring up Nazis then that's their business. Or as you might call it, their "but he's a Nazi" stance.
Yes, same happened with Bojo and Farage.
You said:
That's called hearsay, and it's a cornerstone of propaganda. "Siding with nazis" - that's propaganda. He's Jewish ffs.
He has sided with Nazis, Azov are nazis.
They have nazi symbols on their uniforms, they use nazi slogans and numerology.
Ukraine has a murky enough history, from the holdomor through to killing Jews as nazi ss.
The US house of representatives stipulated against them for that very reason.
Several years later they have Nato accidentally posting nazi symbology donning freedom fighters.
WW3's here already and it's hotting up....Greta finally admits there isn't a climate crisis and UFO sightings are going through the roof!....This week's full newsletter from Ben Fulford.....
Laughably, Israel apparently waded in today and said things about Russian forcibly taking another nations land and being in breach of international law![]()
Does the Israeli Primeminister understand irony or hypocrisy, the absolute nerve of him
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”
Heard this said online a few times by various commentators.....Here's the recent UN Resolution condemning Nazism....The only 2 countries who voted AGAINST the resolution were the US and Ukraine...