Not sure how closely anyone else has followed the Israel genocide & attempted annihilation not only of the people but of all evidence of them ever having existed, but there is a lot even those following it closely seem to have missed
AIPAC do actually have complete control of US foreign & domestic policy & a huge influence in ours Germany’s the EU’s & others
Some public spirited person did a compilation of addresses to US Congres by Netanyahu which is incredibly damning
He requested or rather ordered wars or pre-emptive strikes against Iraq Iran Syria Lybia Russia & others, Iran is the only one that hasn’t happened yet & that certainly isn’t through a lack of trying to draw them into conflict
It includes footage of his address when Obama was sitting President & present when declaring he/Israel are better in charge of US foreign policy than Obama, cheered on vociferously by almost the entire AIPAC funded Congress but for a few rare examples
They have been introducing laws against the US constitution in over half the states forbidding US citizens from boycotting & in any state roles even of criticisng Israel
When Generation Z as thry call them all rapidly twigged that Zionism is a fascist racist colonial settler political movement founded on a fantasy even Elron Hubbard would be proud of that was aggressively antisemitic towards Orthodox Jews who did not accept Zionism share or support any of its believes or actions & that conflating Zionism & Judaism to falsely label anyone criticising the Israel Gov as antisemitic was an absolute nonsense they rapidly introduced a new law that criticising Zionism or Israel was antisemitic

which of course it isn’t Zionists have conducted more antisemitism than anyone else
The UN has much to answer for as it was apparent to me the issue for decades has been the UN continuing to let the US veto all just sanctions & resolutions against Israel for FORTY SIX years
There are specific articles 27(3) & 52(3) to prevent this that are a little ambiguous & need tidying up or a new resolution/article bringing against the US & UK citing them & the purpose of their inception clearly outlining actions that make another nation ‘a party to the dispute’ to me it seem overwhelmingly apparent that where Israel is concerned the US & UK are ALWAYS a party to the polite & both should have had their vetos permanently abstained on all Israel related security council issues until they are again in compliance with international law