Originally Posted by
Absolutely spot on Doc.....
This is called The Great Awakening.....The world is not how we've all thought,there's serious evil that's been in control all our lives and far longer, they're being taken down and when it's done the world will be a far better place for it....

I've always been wide awake, don't under estimate status quo Marty and how our media had devolved the human species taking away it's long held inquisitive trait, want and ability to question
I thought Covid would be the Sodom and Gommorah moment, when billions had the chance or rather were forced to stay at home and had nothing but plenty of time to actually think about where they were with their life and where we were heading, I though when they had that considerable time to take stock, it would produce the 'never look back lest you be turned to a pillar of salt' moment
But as soon as the media started talking about 'freedom day' and 'getting back to normal' they were immediately brought under the spell again
You see it every where, how engrained the power of suggestion and leading the audience to think and perceive things a certain way is, there was this show on last night some people in the house were watching, Tine Turner impersonators, 2 were actually really very good, one was rank average, the hosts were leading the voting public in the direction of the rank average one AND, surprise surprise, they voted her through
"If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”