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Thread: Is world war 3 about to kick off?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDOC1979 View Post
    Poor none “white” countries getting bombarded, invaded, homes destroyed on a daily basis, but it’s all about a poor European country and how much more civilised they are than those bombed before them.

    Sky airs a step by step guide on making Molotov cocktails, Palestinians make hand made mini catapults to chuck rocks at tanks and heavily armoured personal and they’re the terrorists. Fuck the media and the bullshit it spits out on a daily basis.
    They bollocked Russia for intervening in Syria too. Asked by Assad into Syria to stop ISIS taking Damascus. Russia bad.

    If the eu & nato bombed poor white countries it would be deemed as noble as the wars in Middle East and Africa. You can already see since the 2000s onwards that western powers want to take Russia and remove Putin.

    The molotov cocktails, is just a funny media spinner. There's been plenty of arms sent to Ukraine. The molotovs are just for show.

    Props up the idea it's the poor Ukrainians making molotovs against a big Russian army.
    Nothing to see here, no numerous billions from imf and World Bank just vanished. No big market for Western military contractors.

    Even Trump, the most peaceful US president in decades, sent loads of arms to Ukraine.

  2. #62
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    Jun 2014
    Much like a lot of the refugee troubles. Media shows poor children with watery eyes after being gassed.

    Youtube shows mother blowing ciggy smoke into child's eyes for a good while to make the false claim the poor child was gassed, by defence forces protecting their borders.

    It's kind of funny how those without borders have once again found great interest in borders.
    Whilst national sovereignty has also become important, and not being under the control of a political union bloc is all the rage.
    Even flooding Europe with refugees is seen as a military tactic from Putin.

  3. #63
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    Feb 2010
    When the mainstream media show fake news then it is a mistake, the fog of war, but when it's on social media it's called disinformation.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffydd View Post
    When the mainstream media show fake news then it is a mistake, the fog of war, but when it's on social media it's called disinformation.
    "NeverTrump Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) fell victim to internet pranksters over the weekend, retweeting the viral hoax that the “Ghost of Kyiv,” an alleged Ukrainian fighter ace, was a man called “Samuyil Hyde.” Tricksters are quick to spread memes naming American comedian Sam Hyde as the culprit in media events such as mass shootings. In this case, Rep. Kinzinger fell for a poor photoshop of Hyde into a cockpit along with an ethnic spin on his name."

    Another representative in Canada I think spread the 4chan troll, that the Canadian freedom convey was in fact a collection of nazis.
    That they were dog whistling heil hitler via a series of honk-honk.
    That protesting with honks of the horn was coded nazism, so that honk-honk meant heil hitler, because they obviously were nazis.

    The nazis used tuberculosis as a means to generate hate against the Jews. The media has used covid to generate hate against the unvaxed, and those who opposed the removal of human rights and the introduction of passports.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Don't worry lads the international criminal court will arrest all the russians for war crimes and the war wiill be over




    we are liverpool football club, not fucking norwich.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Russia are guilty of breaking international law by illegally occupying another nations land/territory
    Russia are guilty of war crimes for bombing civilian targets

    Israel are guilty of both these things and have been consistently for over 40 years, but because they are a considered ally we don't report it or demand appropriate actions and sanctions - We take their money and accuse anyone demanding appropriate action for the same offences as Russia of being antisemitic

    Saudi are guilty of both these things in their attacks on Yemen - We take their money for the bombs they have used to commit their continuing atrocities, we continue to take their money and sell them the bombs after every other nation has refused to sell them arms and bombs at the UN's request

    Our news don't report any of the transgressions of either of our considered allies, nor do they push for sanctions from all quarters - That isn't the news reporting of a democracy
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  7. #67
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    Anxiety Avenue in Tinnitus Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Nineteenx View Post
    I've always been wide awake, don't under estimate status quo Marty and how our media had devolved the human species taking away it's long held inquisitive trait, want and ability to question

    I thought Covid would be the Sodom and Gommorah moment, when billions had the chance or rather were forced to stay at home and had nothing but plenty of time to actually think about where they were with their life and where we were heading, I though when they had that considerable time to take stock, it would produce the 'never look back lest you be turned to a pillar of salt' moment

    But as soon as the media started talking about 'freedom day' and 'getting back to normal' they were immediately brought under the spell again

    You see it every where, how engrained the power of suggestion and leading the audience to think and perceive things a certain way is, there was this show on last night some people in the house were watching, Tine Turner impersonators, 2 were actually really very good, one was rank average, the hosts were leading the voting public in the direction of the rank average one AND, surprise surprise, they voted her through

    Applied behavioural psychology....Half of that SAGE team are psychologists,the government have pretty much admitted as such....Keep you scared,keep you fearful....It worked for the vast majority sadly....

  8. #68
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Martyboy View Post
    Applied behavioural psychology....Half of that SAGE team are psychologists,the government have pretty much admitted as such....Keep you scared,keep you fearful....It worked for the vast majority sadly....
    It drives me insane, my head, doing what it has always done, it just sees exactly what they're doing, it always has, all the techniques they're using in combination with the misinformation and omission of information

    To me, and many others who aren't neurotypical, the most apparent problem is that almost all neurotypical people have an incredible want desire and need to be part of a clique or any given status quo making them so annoyingly susceptible to the techniques our media employ

    This isn't meant to sound as a lot of people will no doubt take it, it's just 'how it is' 'matter of fact' to me, but the neurotypical minds susceptibility to be so easily manipulated by our media makes every one of them a danger to themselves, the planet and the human species
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  9. #69
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Potentially polish air force joining the battlefield. we must remember their influence on our Battle of Britain

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Potentially polish air force joining the battlefield. we must remember their influence on our Battle of Britain
    Well if you want ww3 with an increasing likelihood of nuclear conflict that's great news.

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