Approximately 3-4% of the Ukrainian forces. And as they've said its not their share of the numbers, but their share of the effectiveness.
Us house of representatives voting unanimously to prevent US resources getting to them. And as we know the CIA & Presidents always abide by the house.
Anybody read that article going around by gaslightinggilligan?
If not, read it. Its thought provoking.
Here it is. Its long but well worth a read.
Excellent post mate....I watched this vid the other day.....Jimmy Dore shows you clips straight from the horses mouth so to speak from the Neo Nazi faction in Ukraine....
It was also a post I found to be quite hilarious as a claim.
No mate I just read that article after being tagged on Faceache. I agree there's some far fetchedness to it but definitely a some things that make you think/question certain things.
Been reading about Azov thing. The western media really do pull the strings in favour of what they want to report.
The one thing Brexit taught me is that you really don't know who or what to believe, Who's right, who's wrong? They're nearly all pushing their own agenda.