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Thread: Women's football/sport AGAIN

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by miller0863 View Post
    Cannot stand this sort of positive discrimination nonsense.
    Women commentating on men’s football is just wrong, it sounds like a 14 year old boy.

    You don’t get lower league players/ex players commenting on Premier League because their knowledge/experience is not relevant. Conversely you will always get Championship players/ex players being pundits for Championship football because their knowledge and experience is relevant.
    So why is there a woman commenting on almost every top flight men’s game these days?? They have never played at that level. When asked what the manager will be saying to his team at half time, their answer should be..”I have no clue whatsoever, I have never been in a Men’s Premier League dressing room at half time.”

    It’s absolute nonsense. Let them stick to being pundits for the women’s game ffs.
    May as well just get someone in off the street.
    I'd love if broadcasters had dual commentary options like BBC have had in the past. One with male commentator one with female. Then we can vote with our feet. Be about 10 listeners on the female one.

    Oh no wait that would be ACTUAL equality wouldn't it?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I've actually chosen to watch the other channel just to avoid it ( when there's a choice like in champions league here in Ireland.)

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I don't mind watching women's football on TV, I don't mind watching kids have a kickabout in the park. The men's game can be pretty dire if we're honest. But wages should reflect the money generated by public interest and ticket sales.

    All the women players who have worked hard to make it in a predominantly man's game deserve a good pat on the bottom for their efforts.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I'm 100% in favour of women's football

    if they add in the shower scenes too. XXxX

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If they played nude I doubt I'd watch more than ten minutes of it..

    Beach volleyball, however..

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I like Lizzy Doyle off The Anfield Wrap.

    Never came across as a diversity hire/quota. Find a lot of the podcasts/youtube channels tougher to watch these days.

    Gonna throw that young lad Josh in with the rest of the lasses. Can spend 2-3 minutes yabbering about their feelings and shit, which can often be surmised as, I don't know.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    If they played nude I doubt I'd watch more than ten minutes of it..

    Beach volleyball, however..
    Justifiable jizzfest either way.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I still think smaller pitches and especially smaller net-sizes would make the women's game more watchable.

    Not the fault of a 5'3 woman that someone can float a 40-yarder into the net with the right trajectory. The men's game will always be more Lacey/dynamic/powerful so why not close the pitches in to exacerbate technicality (which can be learned, unlike being built like Konate) for better viewing?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    After all the faux outrage over ESL accusing the clubs involved of pretty much what broadcasters who secured the right to broadcast Premier League and Champions League football have themselves been doing for 3 decades now, one main point that needs to be addressed urgently by the Government review is for broadcasters to HAVE to make sports packages more cost effective for football fans and for them be able to pay significantly lower fees to watch games involving their team of choice only

    I was in favour of the ESL, because I believe that Sky Bt and other broadcasters have been allowed to fleece fans and bleed them dry for far too long and that with the event of an ESL, fans would then be able to pay significantly reduced fees for packages to watch their club only, which on the face of it, is how it should be were it regulated properly, with the vats majority of proceeds/profits for subscriptions to view a club's games, going to that club, a fair system for the clubs and the fans

    The current unmerited blanket coverage of women's football is just another example of broadcasters exploiting fans of clubs who only subscribe to watch games involving their team and making these fans hand over money that they can invest elsewhere to try and expand into new sports or different branches of existing sports and create a niche and new market for themselves to then over charge fans again

    Fans need to be able to watch more games of their clubs games and select to watch other leagues of their choice if say they have an interest in watching other top European leagues because their teams Champions League competitors play in them

    Sky BT and co had an awful lot to say about ESL, but they're the one's hugely over charging millions of fans for other services and products they don't want, using these fans money to try and invest in and expand into other markets - It's similar in my view to the issues we had with banking for many years, to PPI even, customers being forced to pay for services they don't want or need, it needs putting a stop to, it's never been acceptable
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Good points Nineteen.

    We know why that was it was because DAZN were getting the rights not them.



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