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Academy football v’s Street football…
Give me Street football every day, it allows creativity, freedom, fluid and irrational thinking to blossom… its an unconstrained vision of how football can be played.
Academy football, is intrinsically rigid and formulaic and can instil good practices but stymies the individuals ability to express their unique talents and so it’s a very constrained vision of how football should be played.
The best players in history were Street footballers, Messi, Maradona, Hagi, etc…
Wasn’t is Shankly who said “ read all the coaching manuals you can read, and then do the complete opposite… “
I think on a sliding scale of high risk high reward (unconstrained) vs Low risk safe (constrained) Pep’ vision is more towards the constrained and Klopp’s vision is more towards the unconstrained, it was this random chaotic approach and heavy metal football that always seemed to be the most difficult approach for Pep to try and counter, hence why Klopp has such a good record against him
However Gareth Southgate is Academy football, ( constrained ) gone mad, he operates so far away from the Risk and reward element, which he had seemingly been completely sacrificed in complete favour of the predictable safety first approach (constrained) of keeping the ball, and passing it backwards to the goalkeeper if needs be, rather than taking any unnecessary risks.
Be organised and constrained in defensive mode for sure, but in possession I will always lean towards the high risk high reward unconstrained mode, it’s just such a great spectacle when executed properly.
Don't get me wrong, I am not criticising Pep, i think he has created almost the perfect balance of the two visions, but I just prefer Klopps interpretation…
Hey ho, I am older than you by some distance and i totally get the Dinosaur comment…