Thread: Liverpool transfers in/out and rumours 22/23 + Contracts

  1. #1271
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Call me an old optimistic fool but i remember our patience with Virg. We knew who we wanted and waited, struggled in defence until we got our man...I'm praying that is what we're doing now behind the scenes, waiting for January wether its for Bellingham etc hopefully a couple new world class players to join us. I'm very happy we bought Nunez as i see him becoming a real goal scoring machine in time. We just need to get to January without fully imploding...
    You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"

  2. #1272
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by pob View Post
    They need 80m for the stadium work so I doubt we're going to see any more signings any time soon.
    The double-edged Sword with the stadium money is that FSG are financially prudent enough to probably want to avoid incurring debt in getting it done (good!) but that as a result it will be the so-called transfer "kitty" that will take a hit (bad!) to enable taking this route.

    As Artisan points out, getting to January without imploding would really help - especially given the fragile nerves about the place. Our League position doesn't look fabulous ahead of matches against Arsenal and Man City - not to mention people are freaking out about Núñez because he isn't Haaland - but if we boil things down to their base we're 4 points off fourth spot, could have have 9 points soon in our Champion's League group and know this side has a history of (and is capable of) going on a bit of a run in the second half of the season should we find ourselves a bit off the pace.

    A title challenge is unlikely, but I am not yet panicking about the prospect of finishing behind FOUR of Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham, Man United and Brighton. Sides have 30 or 31 League games left to play - there are going to be a Hell of a lot of dropped points by most teams.

  3. #1273
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by vin View Post
    He did, but got injured in the process
    Those tools are like 10 tonnes to certain individuals
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  4. #1274
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Calcio Mercato linking us with Savic.

  5. #1275
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    Calcio Mercato linking us with Savic.
    Don't know why we didn't go for him in the summer but yeah, would be good

    he won't join us if we don't go top4 or look unlikely tho...

    we are liverpool football club, not fucking norwich.

  6. #1276
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Kev0909 View Post
    Don't know why we didn't go for him in the summer but yeah, would be good

    he won't join us if we don't go top4 or look unlikely tho...
    Seems we wanted "Tchouameni or no-one" which is the height of madness. I appreciate wanting to improve the side to the best of our ability, but to shun any alternative seems daft and I hope we step away from such a fanciful notion.

    Jones, Keita, Ox, Thiago, Henderson are all injury-prone and Milner is getting on. Why we can't at least upgrade on Ox/Keita/Milner by having younger, fitter, more athletic players (even if they aren't the absolute Elite) is beyond me.

  7. #1277
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    Calcio Mercato linking us with Savic.
    I also read a link suggesting this,but not until next summer with Joe Gomez as a makeweight

    to soften the asking fee.

  8. #1278
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Insidious View Post
    Calcio Mercato linking us with Savic.
    Has the technique but does he have the effort, the work in him? Not judging him with any proper accuracy as only seen a few clips - but looks a little languid to me. Might be ‘cause he is so good he makes time..dunno. Would prob work a treat in a City midfield, but ours…at this stage? Would have been perfect with a younger and fitterThiago but would have to put a huge shift in at Prem League intensity.

    Possible but doubtful imo

  9. #1279
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Never know - he could end up being the next Piksi. Although injury blighted his career he was in another level. One of the greatest of the greatest technicians of all time.

    Somehow I doubt Slavic could make such fools of the great Brazil, Netherlands and West German sides.

    Geezer was off the charts, only player I ever saw who upstaged Diego on the same pitch.

  10. #1280
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Let's just complete a double swoop on RB Salzburg and get Laimer and Capaldo in, that'll put some quality back in our pressing
    "If Everton were playing at the bottom of my garden, i'd close the curtains”

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