I thought we would be living in a roddenberristic universe by now.....
I thought we would be living in a roddenberristic universe by now.....
What does it say about the UK when we have poverty, food-banks, people unable to afford heating and/or food, homelessness, armed forces veterans living on the streets.
While energy companies are earning obscene fortunes, and "the elite" are rolling in wealth?
There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief
Any of you people watched any Adam Curtis films? A lot are currently on iPlayer and well worth watching.
Can't get you out of my head
The power of nightmares
All very thought provoking and really quite grim and depressing views of the post war world we live in.
Thank you, tees
There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief
He makes a good documentary imo, I've posted a bit in the petrodollar thread on modernity, and going to bump it again to deal with a few topics from one of the world Cup threads.
Steveo had a little issue with English people being mostly grand as I said to HLOGI, a small matter.
AND there was steveos immigration issue, a very lefty presentation devoid of a touch of realism, and without reference to the realities of increasing diversity.
Theres also the reality, or paradox, that whilst people find such virtue in refugees/immigrants there will be an incentive to keep the drivers of immigration in place. A no war world, might see no virtue signalling benefit derived from refugees, no standing with raytheon in Ukraine
Here Curtis is also a bit head in the sand as its a value such people cherish, whilst often very perturbed by similar consequences from income inequality.
I get it over here now, like Ireland is supposed to be a nation of immigrants because of social media thinking, Like America the original nation of immigrants, so diverse after the displacement of natives into an ethnic minority in their own lands. Irelands history is as a nation of fuck off outsider.
Then there's Eggys - will there be a rise in Fascism as a simple comment/query.
Sadly this word is very loaded, and rarely used rightly.
Fascism as defined by Mussolini is the fusion of state and corporate. By this metric, diversity is our strength is a central tenant of western fascism.
Even the tories maligned as racists, had Lizz truss proud as punch reveling in the reality that none of the top 4 posts in the UK were held by a white man.
Instead so diverse, labour so for diversity they covered up child rapes which tories have done little about, colleges diversity, nhs diversity, Police rainbow dildo cars #diversity, even the army's gone woke, corporations so woke, even raytheon has vaginas in the board.
It's all so diverse, everything must be going the right way![]()
I was in the shop earlier and noticed its now Ł1.10 for a twix chocolate bar !!