You certainly are, Thiago is the main cause of great many of our issues - Klopp is equally as guilty as you as being like a teenage girl with a crush and a fantasy ideal of something while not being able to see it can never possibly work
Thiago is a great player, in a certain type of team, with a certain style of play, we don't play like that, our efforts to play like that are detracting from the very best skills of all our players and it's frankly a disaster, i have seen coming and called happening every single step of the way, just as I called Arteta raising Arsenal up that you, Kev and other visiionless, clueless know nothings tried to ridicule me for, but hey look now
Steveo, it don't care what your background is, what you've done, what you do, you know absolutely fuck all about this game, how you write and your understanding and musings of the game are as desperately basic, and as lacking in any understanding or appreciation of the overall picture of the team and the finer points of that as any other pundit, all our pundits and sports writers do 'football for the lowest common denominator thicko' which is what you seem to specialise in
How am I the only person here, on this entire forum and out of all the so called professional pundits and sports writers who saw Arteta and Arsenal coming and saw our current demise coming?
