Don't you worry it's pretty funny far to sensitive and easy to wind up, bless he has issues, one of those people life would be better without said person in it =) Luckily noone here knows him IRL otherwise i'd pitty them, waste of Oxygen, think he's a smart-arse, googling pointless stats and facts all day, lmao.
I'm acutally Rolf Harris.
Cctv spitting more facts, what a wonderful life you must lead, then again a russian supporter.... you must be a bit off your head to say the least, Get back on your medication my friend, things will get better in time, I promise, that or go and fight for russia and get it over with, you'll probably do your own family a favour.
Little keyboard warrior clown, how old are you? 12? Or you just a bit bitter and spend your days arguing with Stevo and chatting complete and utter, tripe on here ?? because everyone has left you, as the little sad, pathetic man you are.
You've actually lost the plot in the last year or so, bless you.
Have a good day, unlike Stevo I will not get dragged into your bullshit or waste any time on a pathetic piece of shit

keep providing many laughs, you make me horny.