I do think there's merit in the idea that we're still dining out on Klopp's legacy. It's still his team after all. But if you think Klopp performed miracles, then you must also think that Slot is performing a miracle. I wouldn't go that far. As I've said repeatedly, we have a very good squad.
Whether Gini was replaced like for like or not, our midfield is as good now as it has been in a long time. It's not perfect but it's very good. I think everyone gets credit for that. The club, Klopp and Slot. It's too simplistic to say it's all down to one man.
Henderson and Fabinho didn't fall apart after they left Klopp, they fell apart before they left LFC. Their legs had gone and the club was right to rebuild. I'd argue that Mane, Gini and most of the others that were sold fall into a similar bracket. At the very least we sold at or close to the right time.
Which brings us to 32 year old Mo Salah and 33 year old VVD. They will fall off a cliff performance wise at some point in the near future. There will come a time when they need to be moved on. Nobody knows when exactly that is but it's not as simple as "Sign him up". Fans are usually blind to that stuff so "Sign him up" makes for a nice slogan. It's the job of the club to be much more considered and make sure that whatever they do is in the best interests of LFC, and not any one individual.
VOTE JOCKY tae fix this fiasco.