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Our local and much loved, award winning bakery employs a baker who only has access to a limited supply of expensive, quality ingredients, some of which are coming to the end of their shelf life. He also has access to a few bog standard ingredients which aren't perfectly suitable for the type and quality of cakes he wants to produce and is expected to produce.
Meeting the expectations of the bakery's owners is a very difficult task given the ingredients at the bakers disposal. The owners of the bakery have a very profitable business on their hands, but instead of reinvesting some of those profits into making sure the baker has enough quality ingredients at his disposal to be able to keep producing top quality, award winning cakes year after year, they regularly give him things such as Lidl own brand Swiss rolls which they then expect him to turn into a masterpieces capable of winning top awards. They want him to continually be the baking version of Jesus turning water into wine.
We're one the top half dozen highest earning clubs in world football. We can afford to buy a few good quality players and pay top money to our very best players. The problem is that our owners are rarely, if ever prepared to do either of those things, never mind both at the same time.
We already pay our best players 'top' money. We have one of the highest wage bills in football.
Something, Something, Something, Dark Side