Yea I give a shit - because these monsters like Biden and the devils behind him have brought us to the brink of ww3..
And when you start getting OTT with CCTV. He may have a totally different view on football to me or you but just because he doesn't swallow the BS narratives pushed by a media that is completely controlled. That's no reason to bash someone. D lists just the tip of the iceberg.
Kev - you know shit mate -
Go learn something and stop doing the work of some pretty evil fuckers.
. only took me 3 goes to get the right video
Like Pilger (RIP) Sachs is a lone voice in the west. The Assanges and Snowdens have been banished. Locked up - exiled or worse.. The truth is the truth.
I ask anyone to argue with single point Sachs makes on the conflict - its history. You can't because you have no knowledge beyond the BS you are fed