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Thread: Coronavirus and the impact on football

  1. #1771
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post
    I know....

    "many good qualities" like playing the apologist for a Butcher who slaughters his own people and gasses a segment of his population.
    (as in,...... "The Butcher" is literally the guy's nickname by HIS own people : Bashar 'The Butcher' Al-Assad, who not only routinely slaughtered Syrians who showed dissent, but gassed the Kurds in the Northern part of his country with chemical weapons before his chemical weapon depots were destroyed.).

    And of course, the aforementioned homophobia and her belief that gay people shouldn't have the right to marry and that transgender people should have the law used to legislate against their rights to live, and all that lovely stuff that homophobe bigots usually love like "gay conversation" therapy and 'pray the gay away' shite (oh,...she had an "enlightenment" and changed her views a couple of years ago on the issue, conveniently just as she was gearing up for a run for the Democratic party nomination).

    "Good qualities".


    But I suppose it's just about on-brand for you.
    I would suggest that's not a fair appraisal of her position. There have been whistleblowers from the opcw regarding their reports on Syria being augmented/blocked for political reasons. A bit like Sadam having wmds and intent on imminent usage that was the key to invading Iraq. Chemical weapons attacks, staging risks or attacks are a very good means of rousing consent for wars/interventions.

    Iirc she opposes regime change and meddling wars went to Syria met people on the ground and Assad himself iirc. A large percentage of Americans agree on the matter of regime change wars. The Arab spring and the ensuing civil war conflicts I would suggest haven't been very good for the region. In civil wars their tends to be an element of extreme violence typically lingering for a longtime. Cant remember many peaceful or morale boosting civil wars, where oppositions have spoken in a flattering manner of their rival.

    O'bomber the deporter in chief, Bush and Blair the war criminals, Trump the neo-nazi world nuker just so he can kill his jewish relatives, Christopher Hitchens iirc suggesting Clinton destroyed Yugoslavia for re-election, people say stuff about leaders all the time.
    Trump hasn't started any wars yet... all of the rest won elections after their wars iirc.

    I've not seen the transgender issue you raised though I'm not sure I believe your phrasing that trans people should be denied their right to live, was she calling for them to be thrown of roofs or hung ? It must be a real bloodbath out there, these anti-trans terfs killing trans and the pro-trans death to all terfs types killing those terfs.
    I have seen the homophobic comments which arent too surprising really. Her upbringing and beliefs arent that unusual, people have all kinds of prejudices. Iirc they are pretty old and when she was young, around the time when HRC was against it and long before Obama/Biden changed their tune.

    I sense a dose of sarcasm in your () not sure about your " " why are you saving conversation therapy ? You mean conversion surely.
    Perhaps she is an insincere convert and really doesn't hold her professed beliefs from conversion authentically, I don't have the mind reading capacity to know. But I suspect there are many who change their beliefs through their lives and many politicians who change with the flow.

    I disagree with Klopp on issues like Brexit. But I can say that he has great leadership qualities.
    I'd suggest that in a like manner with her, I believe she has good qualities to become an effective leader.

    An excellent amount of sass, a repeated sprinkling of sarcasm and mild smear

    All we have to do is keep talking and in that spirit I will continue, I will post a thread on trans issues mostly around children/teens in the off topic soon enough. How the explosion appears to be artificial and perhaps driven by social media. The oversexualsiaton of children too.

  2. #1772
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Every year, the elderly start dying at this time. It is predictable and cyclical. There are variations, as with all natural cycles, based on all kinds of things. The only strange thing happening now is that people believe our behaviour is changing this cyclical process. As the UV light recedes, the viruses come back.

    The ONS released its data last week showing that this year was 8th in terms of mortality for the last 27 years.

    Swedish data shows that their mortality this year was the second lowest of this century and below average.

    We have a choice to make between seeing this virus as special and the only thing we are able to think about or as part of normal variation and being well within our capacity to deal with it.

  3. #1773
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    That message was in response to stevie harkness and CCTV got in there before me

  4. #1774
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Roughly 7 or 8 times as many people per day are dying of influenza every day right now in London than are dying of Covid.

    It is not the measures that are stopping Covid spreading in London - London was hit hardest in March and now has herd immunity from Covid. (Otherwise the flu wouldn’t be spreading in its normal manner)

    There is almost nothing happening in London hospitals as far as covid is concerned, by the way.
    Last edited by Taksin; 13th October 2020 at 02:45 PM.

  5. #1775
    Fair point about the time of year. Given that the virus seems to take two weeks to show up and the covid wards were (are) still quiet after summer holidays, pub, eating out, university, back to school, it seems far more plausible to me that the recent spike in elderly cases (many of whom are too scared to go to the pub) is down to something else.

  6. #1776
    I'd be interested to know why children generally do not get covid-19, considering their delicate immune systems, while at the same time being considered "super spreaders" of the disease, is that just an assumption based on the fact that the filthy little tykes never wash their hands? and if they really are super spreaders then why are they exempt from wearing masks in shops?

  7. #1777
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Roughly 7 or 8 times as many people per day are dying of influenza every day right now in London than are dying of Covid.

    It is not the measures that are stopping Covid spreading in London - London was hit hardest in March and now has herd immunity from Covid. (Otherwise the flu wouldn’t be spreading in its normal manner)

    There is almost nothing happening in London hospitals as far as covid is concerned, by the way.


    Peer-reviewed and reputable (non-quack, non-conspiracy theorist fan-favourite) if possible.
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  8. #1778
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Dynasty View Post


    Peer-reviewed and reputable (non-quack, non-conspiracy theorist fan-favourite) if possible.
    Please provide a list of non-quacks so I don’t have to waste your time

  9. #1779
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I would suggest that's not a fair appraisal of her position. There have been whistleblowers from the opcw regarding their reports on Syria being augmented/blocked for political reasons. A bit like Sadam having wmds and intent on imminent usage that was the key to invading Iraq. Chemical weapons attacks, staging risks or attacks are a very good means of rousing consent for wars/interventions.

    Iirc she opposes regime change and meddling wars went to Syria met people on the ground and Assad himself iirc. A large percentage of Americans agree on the matter of regime change wars. The Arab spring and the ensuing civil war conflicts I would suggest haven't been very good for the region. In civil wars their tends to be an element of extreme violence typically lingering for a longtime. Cant remember many peaceful or morale boosting civil wars, where oppositions have spoken in a flattering manner of their rival.
    This is nonsense and you know it.

    She's repeatedly denied what is commonly understood and accepted as the claim of Assad as a war criminal who's literally butchered his own people, and as recently as 2017 made a trip there to give him a photo-op (that's the visit you're referring to, and it was roundly panned as nothing more than a photo-op for Assad's benefit and none of what she was claiming) and bolster his claims of trying to eradicate terrorist rebels in his country versus what he really was doing which was violently and brutally stamping out dissent including carpet bombing areas of his country known to be in opposition to his rule (as with the Kurds in the North and the areas controlled by the Free Syrian army) with the help of one Vladmir Putin - that great bastion and paragon of individual liberties, freedom and democracy that we know him to be.

    Opposing regime change is one thing (and frankly speaking, nobody is talking about regime change in Syria - certainly not the kind prompted by external forces ala Iraq), but openly lying about what a proven war criminal is doing is something entirely on a completely different level.

    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    O'bomber the deporter in chief, Bush and Blair the war criminals, Trump the neo-nazi world nuker just so he can kill his jewish relatives, Christopher Hitchens iirc suggesting Clinton destroyed Yugoslavia for re-election, people say stuff about leaders all the time.
    Trump hasn't started any wars yet... all of the rest won elections after their wars iirc.

    So because (in your view) people made wild hyperbolic claims about some other leaders before, then therefore the claims about this particular leader must be viewed through the same exeggerrated lens of hyperbole and thus be equally dismmised?
    Are you familiar with this modern newe-fangled concept called the 'False Equivalence'.

    You should really look into it.

    And which war did "O'bomber deporter in chief" start that you're claiming is "his war" to win election (or re-election)?

    You're really revealing yourself here.

    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I've not seen the transgender issue you raised though I'm not sure I believe your phrasing that trans people should be denied their right to live, was she calling for them to be thrown of roofs or hung ? It must be a real bloodbath out there, these anti-trans terfs killing trans and the pro-trans death to all terfs types killing those terfs.
    I have seen the homophobic comments which arent too surprising really. Her upbringing and beliefs arent that unusual, people have all kinds of prejudices. Iirc they are pretty old and when she was young, around the time when HRC was against it and long before Obama/Biden changed their tune. .....

    I would suggest you make use of Google as your friend and educate yourself on her stances on these issues, because frankly speaking I really don't have time to go through all of that and educate you on stuff you've clearly decided to ignore (seeing as you were obviously aware of her homophobic stance. It's really not that hard to google "Gay conversion therapy" and to see exactly what's wrong with it as an act - something she actively advocated for early in her career.)
    Also, spare me the false equivalence (oh, there it is again) between her vastly more extreme homophobic stance and the more political expedience stance that people like Obama and Biden had (which amounted to believing that gay people should be entitled to civil unions as opposed to full marriage rights like straight people.

    Quote Originally Posted by CCTV View Post
    I disagree with Klopp on issues like Brexit. But I can say that he has great leadership qualities.
    I'd suggest that in a like manner with her, I believe she has good qualities to become an effective leader.

    Holy crap!
    The stretch in that comparison, though....

    (Klopp to a homophobic, war criminal supporting bigoted politician)

    I hope you didn't strain or tar any muscles with that reach.

    But then again, maybe don't act like you had a choice where Klopp was concerned in this regard (or any manager we likely would have hired, particularly had they been continental European and almost certainly anti-Brexit - which you clearly support. Even potential British managers we would have hired would likely have similarly been anti-Brexit (though perhaps not as openly vocal about it).
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!

  10. #1780
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Taksin View Post
    Please provide a list of non-quacks so I don’t have to waste your time
    This is like asking me to prove a negative.

    The burden of proof is on YOU.

    YOU made the claim.
    YOU prove it.

    "Peer-reviewed" shouldn't be that complicated a concept or term to understand for someone who claims to be in the medical profession (or any scientific-related profession), and once you cross that threshold, then the "quackery" versus "non-quack" issue resolves itself automatically.

    Alternatively, one could always just admit that they pulled that claim out of their arse and don't really have a corroborating source for it.


    Mas o Menos?
    'I got told there's an English phrase, 'You don't win trophies with kids'. I didn't know that' ... - Jurgen Klopp
    Stone-Cold Savage!



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