Anfield Sports and Community Centre (ASCC) is temporarily closed with immediate effect until Monday November 2 due to a confirmed COVID-19 case.
The temporary closure, that has been actioned by ASCC’s board, will ensure the safety of participants, their families and staff, which is paramount at this challenging time.
All participants due to attend an LFC Foundation or Red Neighbours session at ASCC this week (w/c October 19) will be contacted by a member of our LFC Foundation and Red Neighbours team with more details. To minimise disruption, where possible we are currently trying to relocate sessions to alternative local community venues.
LFC Foundation’s Half Term Holiday Camp, due to take place at ASCC next week (w/c October 26), will now be held at our partner school - North Liverpool Academy, Heyworth Street, L5 0SQ. Dates and times will remain the same.
We would like to extend our thanks to North Liverpool Academy, who have kindly agreed to accommodate our fully-booked holiday camp at such short notice, ensuring that local children can still attend the camp and have fun during the half-term break.*
The safety of our participants, their families and staff remains our top priority and we are continuing to implement a strict protocol of precautions in line with government guidelines, including PPE, sanitation stations and limiting the number of places on our sessions to ensure social distancing is observed.
If you would like further information about an LFC Foundation or Red Neighbours session, please contact:*
LFC Foundation -
Red Neighbours -

We thank you for your understanding and we look forward to welcoming our participants back to ASCC soon.*
