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Thread: Post your thoughts (2020 Edition)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    "Wasn't cool"? If you think that "wasn't cool", you definitely wouldn't want to be in my shoes. Not for one day. If you were you'd understand exactly what the deal is with me and why I vanished for a while. One or two may have considered that the worst had happened, but if your cynicism is anything to go by, I doubt all but a few thought that.

    "The same ****" sums up your thoughts on the matter quite clearly. I've repeatedly given others the opportunity to see/be given proof of what I claim, and I could if I so wished provide some video evidence to prove that what I say isn't b/s, something that could be verified by at least one other person on this forum. However I won't be forced into doing this, not by you or anyone else.

    It's "the same ****" till it's not "the same ****" anymore, at which point some (not all) might actually think "Oh. I didn't realise things were that bad".

    Thinking what you obviously do about me, you should just put me on ignore.
    Dear Noods
    Lots of people on this forum wish you well but not sure if they know you.
    You have that consolance always but please keep it off topic.
    Rest assured there are people worse off than you in this world.
    Most everyday on the news I see something horrific happening in this world .
    Some of these horror stories are accompanied by tearful stories of love and heroism.
    Some not.
    For some the painful journey through life is just beginning.
    Refugees turning up on the shores of Albion!
    Is there hope for them.
    What did my grandad WWI and father WWII fight for?
    Land of the free!
    Other forumites surely know people with horrific debilitating illnesses yet choose to deal with that privately.
    Perhaps I should include myself but I have always remembered my old man saying 'just get on with it' and my grandad just laughing about all such matters despite such illnesses.
    Rock on Noods!
    Once again,

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crime City
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Dear Noods
    Lots of people on this forum wish you well but not sure if they know you.
    You have that consolance always but please keep it off topic.
    Rest assured there are people worse off than you in this world.
    Most everyday on the news I see something horrific happening in this world .
    Some of these horror stories are accompanied by tearful stories of love and heroism.
    Some not.
    For some the painful journey through life is just beginning.
    Refugees turning up on the shores of Albion!
    Is there hope for them.
    What did my grandad WWI and father WWII fight for?
    Land of the free!
    Other forumites surely know people with horrific debilitating illnesses yet choose to deal with that privately.
    Perhaps I should include myself but I have always remembered my old man saying 'just get on with it' and my grandad just laughing about all such matters despite such illnesses.
    Rock on Noods!
    Once again,
    Dear Scientific Red,

    I don't see you pulling up others when they do anything similar. With that being the case, if you don't like what I say just put me on ignore. What's worse? Me airing my thoughts, or others purposely causing grief? Again, I don't see you taking any actual so and so's to task.

    Also unless someone is the worst off/unluckiest person in the world, there will always be someone worse off than them. Does that make them 'unworthy' of help/support, or wrong to bemoan their lot? I'd like to think anyone sensible or compassionate would say no it doesn't.

    Are you medically unique? I doubt it. Have you seen/been through what I have on top of that? Also unlikely. So with that being the case I think you should just concentrate on how you try to deal with your life, rather than trying to tell others how they should deal with theirs, and what they can/cannot say or do, something that is increasingly being forced on the rest of society.

    I just hope you never experience a tiny fraction of what I have. I suspect that if you did you might suddenly change your tune, as well as possibly gaining an understanding of why a person might talk about the things I do on a football forum.

    Take care.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by RedNoodle View Post
    Dear Scientific Red,

    I don't see you pulling up others when they do anything similar. With that being the case, if you don't like what I say just put me on ignore. What's worse? Me airing my thoughts, or others purposely causing grief? Again, I don't see you taking any actual so and so's to task.

    Also unless someone is the worst off/unluckiest person in the world, there will always be someone worse off than them. Does that make them 'unworthy' of help/support, or wrong to bemoan their lot? I'd like to think anyone sensible or compassionate would say no it doesn't.

    Are you medically unique? I doubt it. Have you seen/been through what I have on top of that? Also unlikely. So with that being the case I think you should just concentrate on how you try to deal with your life, rather than trying to tell others how they should deal with theirs, and what they can/cannot say or do, something that is increasingly being forced on the rest of society.

    I just hope you never experience a tiny fraction of what I have. I suspect that if you did you might suddenly change your tune, as well as possibly gaining an understanding of why a person might talk about the things I do on a football forum.

    Take care.
    Dear Noods,
    I would never put anyone on ignore.
    I try to take a stance whereby I realise that there are always people worse off than me or people I know.
    I have had arguments on this forum before and so I do not accept that I have never pulled up anyone on this forum before but I am never going to take the vitriolic bait that sometimes appears when I have done that.
    I try to get a reasoned viewpoint and acknowledge when I am wrong.
    I listen today about Japanese PoWs who perhaps never quite survived or who never recovered from there ordeals and conversely think about all those who never quite survived or never recovered from the bombs on Japan. Disfigured, mentally scarred, no family members, missing limbs etc.
    Maybe everyone views themselves as medically unique with their problems and perhaps that is true.
    I regard myself as medically unique - I am amazed I managed to get through my working life but I had to change jobs regularly and lie about my health regularly - you can continue to doubt that - I am not going to offer any further statements or evidence in that regard.
    I am not trying to tell you or others how to deal with their life.
    Your post assumes that your debility is so much worse than mine.
    Perhaps that is true but you cannot know and I am never going to post about it.
    People care about you on LFC and wonder where you are and what is happening with you.
    Sometimes you are missing for ages and it shows how much people care.
    Sometimes you do not answer for ages.
    It is not fair on those who care when you do not answer for ages and when you have stated your despair.
    Love your football posts Noods which always appear well thought out but for me your reports on your illness are better reported off-post where we can truly respond to you in that regard - maybe fellow forumites know you more personally - you take care too! YNWA

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by scientificred View Post
    Dear Noods,
    I would never put anyone on ignore.
    I try to take a stance whereby I realise that there are always people worse off than me or people I know.
    I have had arguments on this forum before and so I do not accept that I have never pulled up anyone on this forum before but I am never going to take the vitriolic bait that sometimes appears when I have done that.
    I try to get a reasoned viewpoint and acknowledge when I am wrong.
    I listen today about Japanese PoWs who perhaps never quite survived or who never recovered from there ordeals and conversely think about all those who never quite survived or never recovered from the bombs on Japan. Disfigured, mentally scarred, no family members, missing limbs etc.
    Maybe everyone views themselves as medically unique with their problems and perhaps that is true.
    I regard myself as medically unique - I am amazed I managed to get through my working life but I had to change jobs regularly and lie about my health regularly - you can continue to doubt that - I am not going to offer any further statements or evidence in that regard.
    I am not trying to tell you or others how to deal with their life.
    Your post assumes that your debility is so much worse than mine.
    Perhaps that is true but you cannot know and I am never going to post about it.
    People care about you on LFC and wonder where you are and what is happening with you.
    Sometimes you are missing for ages and it shows how much people care.
    Sometimes you do not answer for ages.
    It is not fair on those who care when you do not answer for ages and when you have stated your despair.
    Love your football posts Noods which always appear well thought out but for me your reports on your illness are better reported off-post where we can truly respond to you in that regard - maybe fellow forumites know you more personally - you take care too! YNWA
    Nice post mate. I guess when life keeps kicking you in the balls you just lash out.
    As I've told Noods, lash away . we're big enough to take it.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere
    Valentino Rossi a VERY lucky boy today. Two flying bikes missed him by inches during the Austrian motogp.
    Videos might be on YouTube if you want to see.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Noods only just seen this been avoiding it tbh because I knew you'd take it all negative, which it honestly was not meant to be tbh, but that's why i don't bother even mentioning it, sorry that people care about you.

    scientificred has got it spot on

    And I agree with that Ian, but maybe he could do with seeing someone for his mental health also, which is probably last thing on his mind, but that's important too.

    If it helps posting it about it on here, in any way- then of course, carry on whatever helps you.

    Maybe you can message a trusted poster or whoever you have showed videos to or whatever, if possible next time if you vanish again? one thing I will say, don't expect to post stuff that's very alarming and expect people not to worry or care, hence the point about just dissapearing, even though it's just a online forum, people have known you for a long time and have been there for you, it would be nice for them at least, if not for others aswell, even if you think noone cares some people do, and it's unfair on them sort of, which you won't understand because I know how you feel about "unfair" and yourself, but if you can look away from just yourself, and realise what i've said, maybe you'll actually understand.

    You know there's been posts in your topics of people asking how they can help amongst other things or if there's anything they can do, and by the sounds of it this forum is pretty important to you on the social-side of life at the moment too, so understand that even on a online forum, it's not just about you... when people was actually generally worried, and do you blame them?? last few posts was very down and you vanished??

    That's basically the online version--- how can I use a RL example.... not the same but someone who is mentally ill, going missing and people searching for him, like I said it's not the same but people that actually care and do talk to you often, it's the same sort of feeling.

    I don't need any "evidence" because I don't know who'd lie about that sorta-thing, i'm not saying you're not ill

    It's hard for you to see it, and when it's on a forum on the internet, (maybe people have got in touch with you other ways IDK) but people do care, no matter how much you think noone gives a shit (because of your mental state) of course to you, everything is negative and doom and gloom, and I can't blame you for that in your situation- but yeah try and look past that, and take something from it at least.

    My life last few years have not exactly been easy, I just don't tend to talk about it much, mentioned a few things sometimes briefly, right now i'm thankful i'm still here, and really appreciate some friends in real life- and some on the internet who got me through it when I was at my lowest (it's fucking shit your situation but you need to try and take any positive thing you can), was hard to see at times but it wasn't just about me, and I learned this the hard way.... from a old best mate which I won't go into but he's not here anymore, but it opened my eyes about everything a lot how many people it effected, and helped me in a way (not at the time) but i'm going off-topic anyway now!

    Try and find joy in the small things, can tell you're a fighter, it's always worth fighting for, if you don't there's just..... nothing, I've learned to enjoy the small things in life, the sounds and the likes, not sure really how to describe it but yeah, it's not the same situation I know.

    Don't really expect a good response from you from this post, but take care whatever you say, back to the main forums it is.

    Also have you looked on google or anything, for anyone in the same boat for one of your problems at least? it could help to talk to people with similar experiences, even if it's just about one thing, i'm sure there's quite a few out there. Forums/websites that is, could help you open up with your problems with people that are going through the same, once again a small thing but if it helps in any way, that'll be good for you, and another place you can get to know people etc and never know could help you eventually in day to day life, find out how others are dealing with it etc, might pick up some ideas or whatever to make life a bit more bearble, gotta be worth a shot? and realise you're not alone.
    Last edited by Kev0909; 17th August 2020 at 02:18 AM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everywhere and nowhere

    Rossi's double escape - frightening
    There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by redebreck View Post

    Rossi's double escape - frightening
    Yeah I saw that, he's a very lucky man, I think he'd of defo been dead, at the speed he was going / collison of a bike hitting you like that, it wouldn't of gone very well.

    how 2020 is going, I'm surprised it didn't fly into his head
    Last edited by Kev0909; 17th August 2020 at 02:26 AM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Crime City
    A number of people have enquired as to what exactly is wrong with me, however for various reasons (note some of the above responses even before I've gone into any details) I've declined to divulge the very extensive/factually unique nature of my conditions, never mind a lifetime of many other horrific/life devastating events. However a recent rapid decline in a number of my conditions combined with a complete lack of any help has effectively backed me into a corner/left me with nothing to lose, so there is a distinct possibility that I will reveal at least some of what's going on with me.

    Maybe someone will be able to help in some way, but even if not, at least if may provide people with a partial explanation as to why I sometimes post the things I do.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    City of Self Doubt
    Sorry to hear that Noods! I wish you a quick recovery or at the very least improvement!
    Etiam si omnes, ego non

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